10 of Wands, Six of Swords, Five of Wands, Eight of Cups


Hi guys!

So I'm a pretty new tarot reader, I've been interested for a while and did quite a bit of studying before even getting my first deck (I can't help it I'm a research freak!)

Anyways, my first deck came today, The Wild Unknown tarot, so I decided to do a simple interview and ask the deck four questions, namely:

1. What can you teach me?
2. What kind of deck are you?
3. What will our relationship be like?
4. How will you influence my life?

The cards I got weren't really what I had been expecting, and I was wondering if you guys wouldn't mind helping out with my interpretation?

Question 1: 10 of Wands. I know tens represent the end of a cycle, and four the past four years I've been in kind of a negative rut, I feel like this card is telling me that it is going to teach me how to get through my tendency to throw myself into negative spirals?

Question 2: Six of Swords. I'm not too familiar with this card, the sheet that comes with the deck says "hope at last" and "travel", which I can sort of understand and it definitely goes with the symbolism in the card, but as I said I'm struggling a bit. I do see this as a positive card in this instance though.

Question 3: Five of Wands. This one really threw me for a second, but I feel like it rings quite true. Up until very recently, I was a pretty aggressive skeptic of anything that couldn't be measure in a test tube. It's only been the last few months that I've really been considering faith and spirituality as something I might like to explore. I feel like this card is telling me that shaking off that skepticism that is so natural won't be easy, and that maybe my current way of dealing with things conflicts with a lot of what Tarot actually is.

Question 4: Eight of Cups. Moving on from my previous belief system in search of something that works better for me maybe? Possibly moving on from my negative tenancies in the past?

Something I struggled really badly with this first reading was the elemental alignments. I don't really understand how the Eight of Cups, which is traditionally an emotional suit, has much to do with how the cards are going to influence my life...

I appreciate any help/feedback you guys can give <3


Welcome to AT! :)

1. What can you teach me? - 10 of Wands
The deck can teach you to make nice, clean endings and get rid of the things that have no relevance in your life anymore. Sort of decluttering of your dreams. :)

2. What kind of deck are you? - 6 of Swords
This deck is not a straightforward one. It'll keep wearing down your intellect, and once you throw away your Swords of logic in despair, you'll see the rainbow of a simple truth. :) It's the 'journey' deck, as in a shamanic journey.

3. What will our relationship be like? - 5 of Wands
You'll be struggling with it because you'll be trying to fit it into your pre-learnt meanings.

4. How will you influence my life? - 8 of Cups
This deck will probably uncover your hidden, and undealt-with, emotions. It'll help you to leave the past in the past and go out of your 'negative rut'.

Hope this helps, and have a nice journey with your new deck! ;)