Hallowquest 28 - The Spear Hallow


The meditation for this lesson picks up where the Maze meditation (lesson 27) leaves off.

Then there is a reading to do - The Augury of the Spear of Light.
(There are specific instructions for how to shuffle and draw for this, I could add them in here if anyone needs them and doesn't have access to the book at the moment.)

5 - Light Eternal
4 - Creative Light
3 - The Inner Light
2 - The Healing Light
1 - Light of Skill


This week begins with a brief meditation, beginning where you left off last time - exiting the maze and speaking with Arthur.

I repeated to him my pledge made the Sovereignty in the centre of her maze, and continued with the meditation, writing it down afterwards in journal, but unable to recapture some of what I wanted to put.

Then comes the reading (which has quite specific instructions)


5 - Light Eternal
4 - Creative Light
3 - The Inner Light
2 - The Healing Light
1 - Light of Skill

Light of Skill - position 1
Represents the light of my purpose, my life's direction. Beginnings are important, and many lives go wrong because the initial cast of the Spear is mis-aimed. The challenge here is :

"How do I use my skill?"

Deep in the woods, coming from the ancestors before me, I bring peace and refreshment to my world.
After a quick read in the given meanings too - I am given strength, I am connected to those who went before. (I can access deep memory? How?) I see the place I know I come from and belong to - the Wood.

THE HEALING LIGHT - position 2
Represents the many wounds life deals me. While their vunerability opens me up to compassion, my wounds can also prevent me from having a whole life. The challenge here is:

"How can the Spear heal me?"

The Spear releases (me from) the poison of what went before. I will be able to approach the altar, I will be able to let go of the past as the Spear touches the wounds. I will then be able to work from the present moment and for the highest good, released from the need to cater to and satisfy self.

THE HEALING LIGHT - position 3
Represents the doubts which prevent me from fully exploring the wondrous convolutions of life's maze. The challenge is:

"What do I need to trust?"

I have the tools I need, the same tools as the ancestors had. Yes I may need patience to wield them and gradually see results, but it is as it has always been.

CREATIVE LIGHT - position 4
Represents my creativity. Without this potent need within us we become arid and dull. The challenge is:

"How do I keep the creative flame burning?"

By overcoming the fears of failure and daring to try, and keep trying.

LIGHT ETERNAL - position 5
Represents the quintessential light which is never extinguished. This Greater Power card represents the nature of my soul. It challenges me with:

"How do I serve all sentient life?"

By continuing to strive; striving to make that mysterious and unteachable journey. By allowing the light to illuminate the start of the path if other wish to see it.