Best Animal Decks

Lady Maria

Hello all,

I've been planning on purchasing the Animals Divine deck, but before I do, I was wondering if there are other animal themed decks. I am also aware of the Druid Animal Oracle, and was wondering how that compared to the Animals Divine for clarity and depth. Any imput?

Thanks, Maria


Hi Maria,

Yes there are other animal-themed decks. I am not familiar with the Druid Animal Oracle, but I do have the Animal-Wise Tarot (photographs of animals), the Australian Animals Tarot, Tarot of the Animal Lords, Le Tarot du Chat (French cat-themed deck), Baroque Bohemian Cats Tarot, Tarot of the White Cats, as well as the Animals Divine (and probably 1-2 others I can't recall right now). Paula Gibby (creator of the Blue Rose Tarot) also created an animal deck; unfortunately, I do not own that one.

Hands down, the Animals Divine and Baroque Bohemian Cats tie as my favorites!

Good luck with your search,



Hi Lady Maria!

First, decide whether you want a Tarot deck or Oracle deck. If you prefer something that is structured along the lines of a Tarot deck (around 78 cards with a major arcana and a minor arcana consisting of 4 suits). The Animals Divine deck is based on this "standard" Tarot structure, whereas the Druid Animal Oracle is not.

Two other animal-themed Tarot decks I am familiar with are the Animal-Wise Tarot by Ted Andrews and Tarot of the Animal Lords by Angelo Giannini. If you are the sort of person who likes to have a detailed book with a deck, I would choose Animal-Wise or Animals Divine. The Animal Lords deck has only an LWB (little white book) with VERY brief meanings for the cards.

In addition to the Druid Animal Oracle, I also have two other oracle decks that are animal-themed: The Beasts of Albion and the Wolf Song Oracle. These are not based on the "standard" Tarot structure.

I enjoy all of these decks. It really depends on what you are looking for. I hope that helps?!?! :)


I have a lot of animal decks and I love them all; it really depends what you are looking for.

The Animal Wise is really about the animal itself, the book describes the energy of the animal and why that animal was chosen for that card. It is also a deck that does not just describe a situation but encourages action (another reason why I love this deck).

The Druid Animal Oracle gives the card meaning but also what the animal meant in Celtic lore, together with stories and examples.

The Animals Divine has just animals on the minors but deities with their animals on the majors and the courts, and they are taken from all different cultures.

In decks like the Australian Animals and the Wolfsong cards (oracle) it is all about the animals without the cultural references.

They all have their value, it depends what appeals to you most.

I don't like decks with animals dressed up as humans so much, so I can't comment on those.

Lady Maria

Thanks for all your replies.

I'm not really looking for something specific, so oracle or tarot would be fine.

Ericka I am familiar with the Medicine Cards- my Mom has them, and I've used them a bit... but It's not quite what I'm looking for. (Although I could see myself wanting them down the road, I guess I want something new to ponder!)

Out of all the decks mentioned here, it comes down to the Druid Animal Oracle and the Animals Divine. Or, like my husband said, maybe I should just get both!

WolfSpirit thanks for your rundown of the different decks, the Animal Wise sounds great, but the borders and words on the cards would bug me too much! I know, I'm picky... Would you use the Druid Animal Oracle in conjunction with Animals Divine? Are the animal meanings similar?

Thanks again for your feedback everyone,


Animals that Speak

For myself, it seems to be a matter of the particular animals chosen and the art/presentation style used in the deck.

I bought the Bohemian Cats, but not the Animal Lords.

I got the Animals Divine, but not the Animal Wise.

And even the Druid Animal Oracle, but not the WolfSong.

I'm still waiting for a tarot art deck that features more North American Animals, such as the Moose and the Wolverine. Sometimes, the animals of the "old world" that are chosen seem a bit "soft", and too "cute". Nothing wrong with some of those, but there are times I wouldn't mind some animal representatives with more...bite.

It comes down to personal taste, and which animals "speak" to you, IMHO.


I have the Druid Animal Oracle...the artwork is beautiful. I have not used it at all for readings, never called to me in that way....but the pictures are great for meditation or for setting up an alter to honor animal totems.

I'd be interested to hear from anyone who reads with them.



I use the Druid Animal Oracle, but often just one card or a small spread.
I find the deck also goes well with the DruidCraft tarot, as it is by the same artist (and a few animals also make their entrance in the DC like the tabby cat :D)
I think you will find more threads on the DAO in the oracle forum.


Thought on....

I've only ever had one tarot deck, and that is Tarot of the Cat People.

I bought it is 1988 and have always come back to it over the years when other decks have tempted me.

It would be interesting to hear anyones else experience of the same deck.

Regards all
