Lovers as how someone sees you, 10 of cups as their feelings


I've never had these two cards, but if I did I would say they are in love with her, and envision themselves in a happy romantic relationship... I mean what other cards for love, feelings and happiness?

I'd love to know what happen between them...


In a romantic reading how would you read The Lovers as how someone sees you combined with 10 of cups as how someone feels about you?

I see the lovers indicating they see the person as a good choice, a good and equal match for them and the ten of cups as feeling that this person holds long term potential, possibility of settling down and starting a family.

To me, they see you as someone they love and as a lover (either potentially as something they would like to happen or currently if you are in that kind of situation already). They see you in a romantic way, as a romantic partner. The 10 of Cups say their feelings for you are very very strong, the feelings mentioned by the last card.

These are what those cards would have said to me.
