which is best??


hi all i have been asked to do a question reading but its more like 2 questions and a choice ..
the person i am doing the reading for wants to know about there employment they asked "" what should i do ?? take my redundancy ? or just walk and quit as they have to wait at least another year for redundancy .. and they really not happy in there job at all ..... so i suggested a choice spread .. pick a signification card and then 2 more cards option 1 and option 2.. what does everyone think ?? or is there another good spread i could use for the issue above?? appreciate all advice .. hope i have posted this in the right place mods ?? feel free to move if not !!! thanks all : )


anyone ?? :)


"Should I" is always a poor choice of question. Often there is no right or wrong answer. Something that might be disastrous in the shorter-term, might lead to things that are great in the long-term.

I'd be more likely to ask: What is likely if I do option A, and what is likely if I do option B, and compare the cards that come out in order to inform my decision.


hi all i have been asked to do a question reading but its more like 2 questions and a choice ..
the person i am doing the reading for wants to know about there employment they asked "" what should i do ?? take my redundancy ? or just walk and quit as they have to wait at least another year for redundancy .. and they really not happy in there job at all ..... so i suggested a choice spread .. pick a signification card and then 2 more cards option 1 and option 2.. what does everyone think ?? or is there another good spread i could use for the issue above?? appreciate all advice .. hope i have posted this in the right place mods ?? feel free to move if not !!! thanks all : )

I'd do a three-card spread for each choice. The outcome and 2 clarifier cards each. :)


I like the spread that comes with the Mystic Faerie deck:


1. What you need to know about where you are right now:

2 & 5. Benefits of each path
3 & 6. Dowsides of each path
4 & 7. Probable outcome of each path


wow thankyou all for your help i now have a few spreads to use aswell write down cool thnak again everyone :) XX