Sabian Symbol Study Group: Aries 8 - #8


squeakmo9 great insight - I love that image it also resonates with the 'I am' of Aries



Oh yeah squeakmo9 - I can see that Symbol just the way you described it. I saw a movie once where a school teacher (of that time) was standing staring into the desert and the wind was up and the dirt and dust were swirling - I think it was Nicole Kidman - I can see you in your interpretation near the water though. :)

Elven x


Elven said:
I saw a movie once where a school teacher (of that time) was standing staring into the desert and the wind was up and the dirt and dust were swirling - I think it was Nicole Kidman

I guess that means that I could easily be a drama queen, LOL! Where's my Academy Award?? Although, I have been guilty of making a mountain out of a mole hill:)

MCsea said:
I love that image it also resonates with the 'I am' of Aries
Yes, her face just fills the movie screen of my mind, well put MC. I suppose there is always the danger of (myself)becoming too self-absorbed.


I think the realisation of the I AM is the genesis and REALLY important, just as long as we all remember to show ourselves kindness in thought - is see that as the blowing ribbons.. soft and kind.. extra we can give ourselves in return for all the hard work we DO!




Karmic Symbol for Aries 8:
Aries 7 - A amn successfully expressing himself in two worlds at once.

Quest Symbol for Aries 8:
Aries 9 - A seer gazes intently into a crystal ball before him.

The Opposite Symbol for Aries 8 is:
Libra 8 - A blazing fireplace in a deserted home.

Symbols in tension with Aries 8:
Cancer 8 - A group of rabbits dressed in clothes and on dignified parade.

Libra 8 - A blazing fireplace in a deserted home.

Capricorn 8 - Birds in the house singing happily.

Sabian Symbols 72 degrees apart from Aries 8: (the Five Pointed Star)

Gemini 20 - A cafeteria with an abundance of choices.

Virgo 2 - A large white cross, dominating the landscape, stands alone on top of a high hill.

Scorpio 14 - Telephone linemen at work installing new connections.

Capricorn 26 - A nature spirit dancing in the mist of a waterfall.


MCsea said:
... I see that as the blowing ribbons.. soft and kind.. extra we can give ourselves in return for all the hard work we DO!

This struck a chord with me marina - especially mentioning the 'ribbons'!
I notice so many coloured ribbons being used to represent 'chairites' and 'foundations' for different 'causes'. They are certainly a recognisable prompt and focus if you are wearing one and their 'cause' can (almost) immediately be identified by their colour. Alot of them represent the I AM aspect of the body.

There are such things called AWARENESS RIBBONS are these are ribbons of colour for causes. I got this list from wikipedia and thought it was interesting to see how the color of the ribbons were related to the cause.

Yellow (yellow ribbon): cancer (particularly bladder cancer and testicular cancer), liver disease and liver cancer, missing person and missing children ("amber alert"), deployed soldiers ("support our troops", POW/MIA, Gulf War), equality, endometriosis, teen suicide, suicide prevention, spina bifida (pale yellow), adoptive parents, sarcoma, hydrocephalus or hydrocephaly, hope, come home, sarcoma (yellow with sunflower)

Black (black ribbon): in memoriam / mourning / melanoma, anti-gang, anti-terrorism in Spain, POW-MIAs, Amish support

Cream: spinal muscular atrophy (SMA)

Blue (blue ribbon): drunk driving, education, anti-tobacco, anti-second hand smoke, North Korean abductions of Japanese, freedom of speech, prostate cancer, Edward's syndrome, scleroderma, Graves-Basedow Disease, Pro Choice, Thyroid Disease, lymphedema, trisomy 18

Dark Blue: child abuse prevention, colon cancer, water quality, crime victim rights, arthritis, hystiocytosis, domestic violence, water safety (flooding, drowning, and accidents), acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), interstitial cystitis, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), Reye's syndrome, short bowel syndrome, myositis, leukodystrophy, hurricane support, police officers lost in the line of duty ("The Thin Blue Line")

Brown: colorectal cancer, anti-tobacco

Gold: childhood cancer

Gray: diabetes, brain cancer/brain tumors, asthma and allergies, Aphasia, generic ("Support A Cause")

Green: health, ecology/environment, organ & tissue donor, prostate cancer, ovarian cancer, missing children, open records for adoptees, leukemia, depression (both adults and children), safe driving, bipolar disorder, mental health or illness, eye injuries, Tourette's syndrome, bone marrow transplants and donation, roadway construction worker and driving safety, glaucoma, kidney cancer or kidney disease, neural tube defects, mitochondrial disease, growth and rebuilding, cerebral palsy

Light Green: chronic pelvic pain, celiac disease
Lime Green: lymphoma, Lyme disease, muscular dystrophy (wristband only), Sandhoff disease

Forest Green: Tsunami relief, save Darfur

Orange (orange ribbon): the Ukrainian Orange Revolution of 2004, hunger awareness, lupus, racial tolerance, cultural diversity, leukemia, feral cats, motorcyclist safety, multiple sclerosis (wristband only), self injury, Agent Orange exposure, roadway construction worker safety (particularly honoring those who died on the job), Anti Gush Katif expulsion (Israel)

Peach: endometrial cancer, uterine cancer

Periwinkle: pulmonary hypertension, eating disorders, stomach cancer, GERD, IBS

Pink (pink ribbon): breast cancer, birth parents

Purple (purple ribbon): Alzheimer's disease, Epilepsy, pancreatic cancer, Fibromyalgia, domestic violence, Pagan Pride, Children with disabilities, religious tolerance, animal abuse, the victims of 9/11 (includes police and firefighters), Crohn's disease and colitis, cystic fibrosis, leimyosarcoma, macular degeneration, Sjogren's syndrome, lupus, sarcoidosis, the homeless, sexual, thyroid cancer, ADD/ADHD, cancer survivor

Puzzle piece ribbon: Autism awareness

Red: HIV/AIDS (World AIDS Day), DUI awareness, MADD / DARE, substance abuse, epidermolysis bullosa, Pro-Life, love, heart disease (also uses the red dress symbol), Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD)/Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) (WPW)

Lace: osteoporosis
Green with Red and White stripe: solidarity with Free Chechnya
Red, White, & Blue: patriotism, 9/11 victims, safety (USA)
Red, White, & Red: leukemia & lymphoma
Sheer w/Gold: lung cancer
Silver: abuse of the elderly, Parkinson's disease, children with disabilities, any diseases or disorders of the brain including mental illness and strokes

Teal: Native American reparations (or turquoise ribbon); myasthenia gravis; ovarian, cervical, uterine, and all other gynecological cancers; substance abuse; sexual violence; polycystic ovarian syndrome; spaying and neutering pets

White (white ribbon): peace, adoption (adoptee), student sexual assault, child exploitation and abuse (including child pornography on the Internet), free speech, purity, Alzheimer's disease, lung cancer, retinoblastoma, multiple sclerosis, innocence, victims of terrorism, right to life, diabetes, bone disease and bone cancer, Pope John Paul II ("Rest In Peace"), poverty awareness (especially the Make Poverty History and ONE Campaign)
Burgundy ribbon: hospice care, multiple myeloma, cesarean sections, headaches and migraines, thrombophilia
Lavender ribbon: all cancers (general cancer awareness), epilepsy, Rett syndrome, foster care
Pearl ribbon: lung cancer and lung disease, multiple sclerosis, mesothelioma
Clear ribbon: lung cancer and lung disease, multiple sclerosis
Red and white ribbon: head and neck cancer, aplastic anemia
Red and yellow ribbon: hepatitis C
Red and black ribbon: Self injury
Red and blue ribbon: Self injury
Red and blue with a heart ribbon: congenital heart defects (also red, blue and red stripes)
Blue and yellow ribbon: Down syndrome, designated drivers ("The Hero Campaign")
Light pink and light blue ribbon: pregnancy and infant loss, SIDS, male breast cancer
Purple ribbon with a red rose: cystic fibrosis
Purple and green ribbon: hospice and palliative care
Purple and blue ribbon: pediatric stroke
Purple and yellow ribbon: chemical injury
Spectrum (rainbow) ribbon: multiple sclerosis (MS)
Orchid and orange ribbon: psoriasis
Lime green and aqua ribbon: adult stem cell donor
Teal and pink ribbon: hereditary breast cancer, gynecological and breast cancers
Black and pink ribbon: bone marrow donor, loss of a daughter
Black and light blue ribbon: loss of a son
Black and white ribbon: carcinoid syndrome cancer (zebra striped), animal conservation (zebra striped), anti-racism
Black, white, and black ribbon (three stripes): vaccine danger
Gold and black ribbon: platelet donor
Ivory, burgundy, and ivory ribbon (three stripes): oral, head, and neck cancer
Yellow, lime green, orange, aqua, and hot pink ribbon: myelodysplastic syndrome
Orange, green, blue, purple, and yellow ribbon: sexually-transmitted disease (STD) awareness
Camouflage ribbon (green and brown camouflage or beige camouflage): support our troops
ASCII ribbon: against HTML in emails
Pink and blue ribbon: several meanings


Wow great find Elven - lots of ribbons,

it also reminds me of sports carnivals I used to wear nice ribbons on those days too :)



Element Ribbon Jasper
Discussion: Ribbon Jasper is a striped Jasper, colours can range through white, red, yellow, green, and grayish blue. This is a ‘lighter’ form of Jasper, and speaks to the astral realms, promotes clear thinking and tranquillity within ones own aura gently. Every piece of Ribbon Jasper is uniquely different, offering its owner a unique exciting experience. Ribbon Jasper will ‘call out’ to a person in a store ‘I am here’, a very personal stone.
The NAME of the element jumpes out first, then the colours - the variety, the spirit and the energy of the stone well I placed it here.


I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


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My musings/ramblings on the title (hopefully not repeating too much of others' thoughts):

Sun Sign: ARIES
Degree: 8
Number: 8


Aries - cardinal fire ....8 of Strength - fixed fire ....... hot hot hot!!! Feminine energy ....... brings to mind actually the Queen of Wands in her full glory :)

The title makes me think of gaiety ........ someone who has been out to a party ........ streamers thrown ......... some kind of celebration .......... east wind ........ air ...... phrase of *breath of fresh air*.

Also 8 makes me think of two squares joined together ...... again a solidness, continuity ....... growth ........ so perhaps the capacity to start something new ....... and to work on it ...... almost as if one were driven ........ lots of determination, excitement ......... almost as if a dragon is breathing down someone's neck, egging them on!