Knight of Pentacles as his feelings


My interpretation: A is starting to think about B from another perspective? Maybe A feels that B is someone who can be by his side in the future? Like B is an investment? I know that A changed his mind somehow and he is VEEEEERY SLOW, but I'm really confused. I don't know if it's romantic or not.


Hello :)

I'm kind of new to tarot too so bare with me - by the way your English is good!

Knight pentacles as feelings could mean that he will take his time with the relationship. He's not romantic, he's quite pragmatic I'd say - he won't send you flowers or rush to have conversations with you. So if you're wanting romance, then he's not your guy! But his feelings are he will slooooooowly advance towards you with his offer (pentacle).
It also does depend on context. I have seen the knight pentacles in readings where it shows the knight LEAVING the reading, as if to say hes taking his pentacle away from the querent. So there is also that to bare in mind.

Hope that helps :)


My interpretation: A is starting to think about B from another perspective? Maybe A feels that B is someone who can be by his side in the future? Like B is an investment? I know that A changed his mind somehow and he is VEEEEERY SLOW, but I'm really confused. I don't know if it's romantic or not.

The Knight Pentacles is very, very solid, and very, very reliable. Once they make up their minds, they don't change them. Ever.


The Knight Pentacles is very, very solid, and very, very reliable. Once they make up their minds, they don't change them. Ever.

Yes but I have to add that if he decides that he loves you it's one thing. But if you were waiting for him to act on them you can end up with ten cats and old and grey. They're slow. Like darn slow. Like I-Mean-It SLOW!!!


I can add as well, that he's very down-to-earth and materialistic. Yes, has these solid reliable feelings but he doesn't put his love interest in the first place as some other guy would. Responsibilities, money, work, studies comes first for him. Because it comes slowly for him. He won't really have much time for you and he'll keep quiet about his feelings until he's not sure he wants to marry you. I know it's more or less the same as what others have said here, but that's how I have experienced it with this type of guy.


Thank you all!!


Moderator Note

Hi brunabaumel,

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rwcarter, co-Moderator of Using Tarot Cards

Isobel Gaudie

I had to deal with a reversed Knight of pentacles for a good while, sometimes upright. I agree with slow. Slow to commit and seems like not minding to take advantage if reversed.


I just got a Knight of Pentacles REVERSED as an answer to a question. So, if upright is slow, does that mean REVERSED is fast??


My interpretation: A is starting to think about B from another perspective? Maybe A feels that B is someone who can be by his side in the future? Like B is an investment? I know that A changed his mind somehow and he is VEEEEERY SLOW, but I'm really confused. I don't know if it's romantic or not.

It depends on what you find to be "romantic."

All the things that you associate with earth: grounded, perseverance, etc. He's very slow to out his feelings, and usually he'll show his feelings through seemingly mundane actions. You'd have to read the message behind his actions. Also, this knight tends to stick around and commit. He'll stick by you through thick and thin. But wow, they really take their time and that can be frustrating to some.

I adore these guys because I find these qualities to be very romantic. I just find myself wishing they'd step on the gas pedal a little more often.

Reversed: Stuck in the mud. No forward action.