Need a decision making spread- Choice of Two Careers!


I have a dilema at the moment. One whether i should continue doing my horse-riding as a course, or give it up in the day and do it in the evenings, so that i have more of the daytimes available to do my work and business. I know that this might seem trivial to some, but it's really important to me, and i need to make a decision quickly about what is the best route to take right now, so to ensure my best progress in life.

If anyone has any relative spreads regarding decision between two such things, that would be great.

Love *& Light, Janey xx


Hi Ambience

This one comes out of one of the LWBs I am not sure which one because I put it into my spreads journal.


1. the root or driving motivation.
2. something the querent knows or something they can see about this situation.
3. something the querent DOESN'T see, but needs to know.
4-6. Choice one 7-9 choice two.
4 & 7. This is something the querent needs to do to make this work
5 & 8. This is something that needs to be done on the querent's behalf by someone else in order for this to work
6 & 9. This is the expected outcome of this choice

Hope this helps. I use this often.

Love light and peace


Thanks for these...

Could you possibly go into a little detail in how the one above works. Sorry to be a pain, just that i did the spread and i don't think i'm understanding the layout principle. What choice, connects with what, may just be because i'm not feeling too well today, but i would appreciate if you could explain it in more detail.

Love*& Light, Janey xx


I found the following spread some time ago in the Spreads forum and have found it very useful:


1 - The nature of the first option/what the querent feels about first option

2 - The nature of the second option/what the querent feels about second option

3 - Consequences/negative aspect/drawbacks of first option

4 - Consequences/negative aspect/drawbacks of second option

5 - Rewards/Positive aspect of first option

6 - Rewards/Positive aspect of second option

7, 8, 9 - Three-card advice



Thanks for this spread. I still don't have the answer but i'm getting there. It's going to take a combination of spreads, this is a lifetime decision between career and work. It's so important to me. These spreads have really helped thankyou so much!

I think the reason i'm having problems is because i'm refusing to accept the answers! But i will in time...

Love *& Light , Janey xx