Sabian Symbols Study Group: Taurus Degree 30 - #60


:) Welcome to the Sabian Symbol Oracle Study thread!

Please feel free to discuss the Sabian Symbol in this thread, and to ask questions or, explore any aspect of the many interpretions the Symbol holds. Please add your own observations and interpretations too!! The Symbol used in this heading is by Lynda Hill

Sun Sign: TAURUS
Degree: 30
Number: 60



In regard to this symbol, I first sought out peacock's totem. These are a couple of sites I found.

"Fully aware of his own beauty, peacock signifies a new opportunity for spiritual growth and healing. Peacock’s gifts bring confidence, stature and accomplishment to the dreamer. Peacock’s feathers are ringed with eyes that contain the medicine of foresight and clairvoyance. On the surface, peacock spirit is boastful energy. The lesson is to watch our pride and beware of the ego. Thus, Peacock medicine is our ability to be noble, yet humble."

and this one

"The Peacock has many legends surrounding its beautiful plumage.
Greek mythology tells of Hera giving the peacock its many "eyes"
while Chinese mythos says that the blending of the five colors of its feathers
is the sweet harmony of sound. The Peacock is also associated with the Phoenix.
In Egypt, the Peacock is linked to the Sun God Ra and in Christianity, the Peacock
is the symbol of death and resurrection.

Those who have a Peacock as a totem can receive insight into
their past lives and their karmic connection to their current life."

My first thoughts of a strutting peacock was of course an over inflated ego. Which can easily go with this symbol. But wait, it's strutting it's stuff on the terrace of an Old Castle. My thought went to my ancestors which of course are your ancestors. I don't know about you but I wouldn't be who I am today if it weren't for our ancestors. But then I took it further.

This paricular sentence 'talked' to me.

"Those who have a Peacock as a totem can receive insight into
their past lives and their karmic connection to their current life."

Which made me think of how we look at time as in minutes or degrees but it is so much more than we realize. Time codes actually play with information, allowing us to move into realities simultaneously by stretching, distorting, curving and twisting time around. And within this time, are a multitude of past cultures and societies which evolved and changed at their own special time. Each one created life and put their consciousness into things, we have studied, documented and learned from.

The peacock says "What part do you play in this story" I think that the peacock is telling us to realize our connectedness with the Divine and with all of the intelligence that has existed before (the castle) and which continually teaches and inspires us toward our future.



I learned a great lesson from Taurus 11, A Woman Sprinkling Flowers and MCsea's findings on the nursery rhyme of Mary, Mary, quite contrary!

So I've decided to look at this Sabian symbol in a different light.

The peacock is a beautiful creature full of magnetism and charm. Its hypnotic and alluring 'eyes' can engage us into a rhythmic dance that could lead and inspire us and on the other end of the spectrum 'delude us'. Blind and hoodwinked we can and have been easily manipulated and controlled to workship, obey and adore what we see as gods, supporting their existence and power. It's not that they are deceivers or 'bad' - it's just that their story is so convincing, we 'believe' them. And we continue to believe them until we discover we each own our own individuality, our own castle. A castle that is filled with gifts, hints, clues and artifacts waiting to be discovered. Inside its walls is the inner core of our being - our soul our integrity.

In every age there is a turning point, a new way of seeing and understanding our world, above and below. The peacock's message is two-fold. We are each to discover and unravel and unfold our light and our gifts to others. But at all times we are to maintain our own integrity and trust and follow our own spirit.

If we learn but never question we can be lead down false paths.



Tink HI :)

I really like that analogy!! I can certainly see the peacock relating to the past in the manner you describe.

The visual image I have had of this Symbol - I see the garden (even though not mentioned) as being filled with exotic animals - but one which also stands along the peacock is the Lion - maybe it relates to heraldry and pride - as I see the peacock as representing 'other people watching' as well - others having an insight into the business of others. This may mean there is also a feeling that others have an opinion or a jealousy about the 'opulance' and the 'old money and traditions' - I see this as being some of the crumblings of the old castle.
When the peacock fans its pride and the tail feathers are slayed wide - I get the feeling of others watching through the eyes of the feathers.

Years ago when I was making someones wedding bouquet, they wanted peacock feathers in it. The brides mother freaked out, as her belief was that it would bring her daughter bad luck, and the negative wishes from her ex lovers for her new marriage would be able to come through the 'eye' of the feather. So, the bride-to-be decided against the feathers LOL!!

Im wondering if this symbol has a masculine overtone as the peahen is seen in a totally diffferent light. It is the male of the species which is so beautiful and grand. Not trying to create gender bias - because I rarely see any gender seperation in the Symbols - but this one is one of the exceptions for me :)

Elven x


Hi Elven,

Hmm, you've given me lots to think about here.

Your comment "I see the peacock as representing 'other people watching'" made me think of Alex Grey and his incredible paintings. In the section
"Progress of the Soul" there are two paintings 'White Light" and "Oversoul" you might find very interesting.

Standing as if in the painting I felt overwhemed by the many eyes that not only towered over me but seemed to penetrate and stare right through me!

Elven also said

"Im wondering if this symbol has a masculine overtone as the peahen is seen in a totally diffferent light. It is the male of the species which is so beautiful and grand. Not trying to create gender bias - because I rarely see any gender seperation in the Symbols - but this one is one of the exceptions for me"

Perhaps the 'peacock is an expression of one's uniqueness and of one's individuality. And through this experience our male side our ego goes through many erratic changes. The peacock could be likened as a potent creator. Here I see the combination of the Peacock and of Leo the Lion! It could in fact be a very interesting story!



I am attracted by the word "parading" here... and it makes me think of showing off or boasting.

Several german proverbs come to my mind, not sure if they have a translation in the same sense

one is a saying: "sich mit fremden Federn schmücken" - to adorn oneself with strange (in the sense of not one's own, not the sense of weird) feathers - when i hear that one, I always think of peacock feathers. (it means using someone else's achievements to make oneself look better)

the other one is "Selbstlob stinkt" - praising oneself has a smell / reeks (it means that if you praise your own achievements there is something not right about them).

(I wish there was a place where i could find correspondences in sayings or proverbs between languages! they endlessly fascinate me)

In any case - in this symbol, the parading to me means that maybe not all is as well as it is made to seem....



I looked over MCsea/Marina's section on the symbols and body parts. I wanted to share this because I just found it very interesting. I took a 'Touch For Health' course back in 1999 and was looking at my notes. Here's what I found for the trapezius muscle.

*Degree 60
Part of Body: Trapezius muscle
|Sabian Symbol: A peacock parading on an ancient lawn.

It is the upper trapezius that tilts the chin and pulls in the shoulder blade. The middle trapezius keeps the should blade in and turns it. We can experience should and arm problems here. Because it is associated with the spleen meridian, this muscle is important in treating infections, sore throats anemia and fevers. Continued weakness, may cause tension in the pectoralis major which could cause problems in the back at the level of the last ribs. Sometimes this can be broken free by walking and letting the arms swing free.

I was just thinking of the peacock strutting and parading around LOL!



Dr Jones key word - Key Word Aloofness

Element Peacock ore
Discussion Peacock Ore is a brilliantly iridescent colored blue, green and purple like peacock feathers. It is a root chakra stone, which clears the mind, aids in concentration and promotes beauty through self confidence.

I love what everyone has contributed!

Ill add the SOUND a peacock makes - OH MY have you heard that LOUD CALL, just another aspect of the symbol


The call of a peacock... my parent's neighbours had one - sounds like a long loud "uuuuuuaaaooooooouuuuhhhh". Very impressive - and sometimes very annoying, because when he starts he won't stop soon ;)

I used to imitate him and if i did it right, he opened his tail for me because he had to show off, thinking he had a rival LOL


LOL - really laughed when I read that Simone yes I think the sound in this symbol is an interesting one! WOW - you talk to peacocks! one of your totem animals then!
When I was in India the peacocks sounded louder than any I had ever heard in my life!