Sabian Symbols Study Group: Gemini 11 - #71


:) Welcome to the Sabian Symbol Oracle Study thread!

Please feel free to discuss the Sabian Symbol in this thread, and to ask questions or, explore any aspect of the many interpretions the Symbol holds. Please add your own observations and interpretations too!! The Symbol used in this heading is by Lynda Hill

Sun Sign: GEMINI
Degree: 11
Number: 71





thanks for getting Gemini UP

More soon



Oh you are an Angel Elven, thank you! You’ve been working so hard at AT, I didn’t know if you’d have the time to continue the Sabian symbols for Gemini. I’ve been so lost without them!

My first thoughts to this symbol is where is the entrance to this place? Was it a long Journey? How did we get here? Ah! The soul, our airplane! Before our souls become encased in the flesh I’ve always imagined them flying through the cosmos, creating their own unique pathway through the stars and planets. The Soul’s incredible speed would be invisible to the eye as each of the planets sheathed it with different vibrational energies. From the universe, by design or accident, another universe is created with its own distinct patterns and energies. Its sun for now subdued by a dusty veil that gradually takes on a solid form, layer upon layer upon layer.

The soul is now enfolded and sealed in darkness, anchoring and finding its home in the thymus gland, pure, innocent and pulsing with life – resisting the urge to struggle it slowly settles into its own rhythm.


p.s. more to come.....


Reminds me of the Homestead Act where many people abandoned their previous homes on the promise of farmable land, travalling with great perils to the prairies...

I have been to Nebraska last fall, and got to know a little bit about this, and my thoughts of course wandered...

- the initial "occupants" of those lands: animals (buffalos in this case), humans, they were chased so the newly arrived ones could settle

- if they managed to arrive there, often at great loss, families not always complete, they arrived to nothing but untilled, grown over soil, and no house. They had to literally start from scratch.

Those were days that required great strength, not only physically but also strength of character and the will to survive.

Only, they forgot those who initially lived there...

* * *

So if I pulled this symbol, I would never forget, besides saying - promises of a new life lie ahead if you are willing to take on all the challenges it takes - to say "but don't forget that you are possibly interfering with the natural course of things and taking up someone else's space"


but that's me, my heart always beating for the buffaloes and those treated unfairly...



DEEP BREATH - space freedom nature unlimitless opportunities.
This symbol brings up past life memories - Simone - ever thought you were an early pioneer?

Dr Jones - Key Word Identification
Numerology 71
Jane Rider-Patrick/solarfire body part - Thymus gland
Element Tsavorite
Tsavorite is considered a "new" gemstone since it was unknown before its discovery in Kenya in the 1960s. It is a member of the garnet family group in which trace amounts of vanadium or chromium provide the vivid green color.
The name "tsavorite" comes from the Tsavo area of Kenya where the gem was first found. It is also found in the bordering country of Tanzania and in Toliara (Tuléar) Province, Madagascar, but so far, no other occurrences of gem material have been discovered.
Tsavorite is associated with bringing peace, pureness of thought, unobscured mental capacity, and creativity. This semiprecious gem acts as a source of light and guidance for the paths, both physical and metaphysical, for travelers and those that just feel they could stand to use some direction.

LYNDA HILL says something along these lines - There's a need to break away from old familiar ground and move out into unknown territory. Fear is the greatest barrier to moving forward, but the familiar must be left behind for new possibilities. Taking opportunities to move on to new realms of being can lead to a whole new experience or indeed a whole new life. Pioneering attitudes bring their own rewards. Going off the beaten track. Coming up with new ideas. New spiritual realizations opening up vistas of experience. Adjusting to new places.



I'm a pioneer now ;) sometimes... sowing the seeds of wacky thoughts.

Not sure if I have been a pioneer in a former life, I know i have been servant, and thief, sailor and herb woman, but pioneer? don't know lol



YEP you ARE a pioneer now - thats enough!!



I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


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