Zombie tarot - Queen of Cups


Ahh, the chance to sit on a beach watching the world go by. It was busy before she arrived, but for some reason everyone else suddenly found a reason to be elsewhere. She might want to check for BO as it looks like she has been emitting something other than pheramones. At least she don't have to worry about skin damage if she's forgot your factor 50 sunscreen. The children are around somewhere, but they feel safe knowing Mum have one eye on them. There would have had two eyes doing this important task but one was lost in a battle for the brain. Still at least this zombie came out of it with the brain so some gains there. And I gotta say, I love how she co-ordinated the swim suit with the flowers in the hair. A rarity, here but we are witnessing a zombie who certainly has a penchant for Mother Nature and the simple pleasures of life. Or afterlife. So why not be like her. Let that hair down a little and have more by way of fun. Let the kids bury you in the sand or something. It's not as if you won't be able to dig yourself out again now, is it.


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