did an interview with the thoth and am unsure....

etherial dreams

did an interview with the thoth and am really worried...

I drew the Devil when asking the deck what I need to know about it. What do you think this means? Should I be worried? :p


Sounds like it's going to be quite a playful ride!

Check out the contributed meanings here:
click on the gray Cards tab and choose the card from the menu to the left of your screen.


(just my opinion)

I believe it means that you should not get into the CH Thoth with (using) your current knowlege of Tarot, rather - it needs its own approach, and its own separate study. The Devil is your message your going to have to forget everything you know, and begin anew.

etherial dreams

do you think it is warning me to not get into the thoth? I really like the card images but maybe I'm not ready? I thought it might be telling me that I will become addicted to the thoth (devil sometimes symbolises addiction-at least in the RW). I have ordered the Lon Milo DuQuette book which should arrive by saturday but now with the cards bringing up the Devil I am not sure I have made the right decision about using the thoth deck...majorly confused


etherial dreams said:
I thought it might be telling me that I will become addicted to the thoth (devil sometimes symbolises addiction-at least in the RW).

Re-read Umbrae's post. He's right on the money. Your last post was the confirmation.

etherial dreams

Ok-point taken :) I will forget everything I know and start a fresh-where do i start and what would you suggest I do?


I'd start with reading the Book of Thoth. That's how I started my Thoth study.


For right now, I'd just look at the cards. Grab the ones that catch your eye as you fan through and compare them to each other.

Get a little notebook and jot down any parts, symbols, colors that jump out. Jot down the ones that make you say "What in the heck is that?"

Lay out each Minor suit in a row and see what's happening. Then grab all the cards with the same pip.

Then pop back here on the forum and look for threads related to those cards.

ETA: If you want to get an idea of what the various text references are like, check out these PDFs.


If the images appeal, its a start. From personal experience, it has been good to start with a clean slate (forget what went before, or at least keep in in mind from a critical perspective). After I did that, the Thoth started to take shape for me (notice I didn't say 'make sense'!). However, its like scratching an itch or pulling a thread on a jumper. The more you do it, the more you chase it, the more you scratch or pull etc. I would not describe it as an addiction, but more of a rich seam to be investigated.


etherial dreams said:
Ok-point taken :) I will forget everything I know and start a fresh-where do i start and what would you suggest I do?

I'd suggest you write down what you THOUGHT (past tense) the devil card means and represents for you. Then take out the Thoth devil trump, lay it on the table and have a good look at it, read what it is about (in Book of Thoth or check the threads here on it).

Now compare the two different approaches. Can you deal with this new viewpoint? Is it disturbing you TOO much, causing worry, confusion, etc. if so I'd suggest you work on looking at what influences made you think the way you do and do you want to change that.
If this doesn't disturb you (TOO much) and you are interested in developing a new way of looking at things, conditionings, mores and taboos, etc ... Thoth on!