Scary Nightmare spread - 4 cards only, honest


Huh. this is a pretty neat way to look at nightmares. Trying to find out what is behind them. Will have to keep this in my journal.

Though finding the reason behind 6 ft tall vampire Raggdy Ann dolls might be a little much for me to handle. LOL



My goodness, good luck!! No wonder, if I had that sort of dream I would be majorly confused as well, 6ft tall, Raggedy Ann doll, that is a vampire, hmm, very interesting.


Also thanks to Flavio, TwistedFae and ziplizard




Can this (or any dream spread) be done for someone other than the reader? Let me rephrase that. Can I read this for another person who is having the nightmare? Does it matter that it's not MY dream?

My b/f has bad nightmares a few times a week that he wakes up from crying or shouting. I would like to see if I can find some advice to help him overcome the monsters that are harrassing him when he sleeps.



thanks for posting the nightmare, recurring dream, and revised spreads. i have both from time to time. i think it may help me to work through and process my nightmares, rather than just trying to forget them.


Cherietta said:
Can this (or any dream spread) be done for someone other than the reader? Let me rephrase that. Can I read this for another person who is having the nightmare? Does it matter that it's not MY dream?

My b/f has bad nightmares a few times a week that he wakes up from crying or shouting. I would like to see if I can find some advice to help him overcome the monsters that are harrassing him when he sleeps.

I don't see why not! Have you tried it?? Yeah, I know a bit late :(

Gemini Rising

Thank you very much! I just recently had a nightmare and was about to post asking for a good spread, then I stumbled upon yours! Thank you VERY much!

Barbaras Ahajusts

My Nightmare & the Spread

I had a nightmare last night.
I was attending my husbands funeral. So many people were there, the dead with the living, and others whom I didn't know, I believed worked with him at one time or another in his life.

I remember touching his coffin and having so many regrets about fighting with him when I could have made his life easier at the end.

As I walked to the back of the room to set down, I saw a man who was eyeing me as I eyed him. I thought him to be a friend of the family, but was the half brother of my husbands biological brother.
(My husband and baby sister were adopted by another faimly, in real life.) *I'm not sure if this man was relevant or not, to the dream. It just stood out as he made me feel uncomfortable, then I had to comfort him to let him know that his 1/2 brother was not in the casket, it was his brothers biological brother in the casket. (I know, that is so wierd.)*

I saw my late father in law (as a young man) trying to set up the funeral and then I saw my husband as a young man trying to help his father get things going. His father was there to guide him.
Non of this (seeing family & young husband) made this situation any easier. It was very real. Its the second time I have had a "viewing" type of a dream. This time there was more involved, in the dream. This time I could feel deep intense emotions. The first dream was just looking down at him, then I was rushed backwards and I could see "me" looking at him, looking down at him. (I am assuming that was an out of body-astro traveling- to show me the posiblility of the future.)

Now to the spread;
I used this spread with the Runic Tarot. I wanted a deck that was more intense and not lightweight. It was very informative.
The first card showed a Cancer sign on it, which is his zodiac sign.

Springtime were the first two cards. The last two were Major Arcana's showing me that the latter was heavier weight for me to focus on.

I posted this reading on personal readings & linked it back here for future reference.

Thanks so much for this spread!



great spread flows fluidly tried this on my dream lastnight spooky


Thanks bluerain

Barbs, I have read your reading, I am totally ignorant about the deck, but what I have read what you wrote, I think you were pretty spot on in your interpretation. I don't think it was a BAD bad dream, but it is enough to give anyone the heebie jeebies!!!




I just came across this thread and I am very thankful. I've suffered from night terrors ever since I can remember and I never thought about doing a reading for it. But I just may have to do that.