Looking for a spread that answers the why


Hi everyone. This is amazing site and already I have learned much from those who contribute their wit, experience and insight. I am looking for a spread that explains the why of an unfortunate situation. Why did someone choose to act in the destructive way that they did? Why would they deliberately want to hurt someone. Does anyone have an idea or suggestion? Thanks!



Hi there Tahoemyst,
this one is from a book by Evelin Burger & Johannes Fiebig, "Complete Book of Tarot Spreads" It' really a spread to find a joint solution but it may give some insight to your question.


1- The person in question
2- Yourself
3-What's important to the person in question (might answer the why)
4-What's important to you
5- The joint solution/outcome

You could probably tweek this a bit to fit the specific situation. Hope this helps.


Thanks Peridot

This might help me. If not, like you said, I can always tweak it. At least it'll point me in the right direction.


Thank you, Glass Owl. That might work also.