Tomorrow from Today spread


Hi! This is the first time I'm posting a spread that I did, but I thought it's a nice one worth sharing. I haven't really seen any end of the day spreads, and sorry if there's one exactly like this! But I haven't come across it. This spread is to be done at the end of the day, to give you a bit of an overview of what to take from it to help you with tomorrow. No real positions (never quite got how to figure out where to place cards!)

1. Overview of Today - Just a card to reflect the major things that have effected you throughout the day.
2. What to take with you into tomorrow - A bit of advice. Like a good lesson that needed to be learned to make tomorrow better.
3. What to leave behind today, not for tomorrow - A card on the things you need to let go of. If there's an issue bothering you, something getting under your skin, etc. That's just not worth holding onto, and would keep tomorrow from being better.
4. Advice from Today to Tomorrow - A card with a general bit of advice. If Today could talk to Tomorrow, what would it say?

I hope this helps other people! Did it a few times myself and it really helped wonders :)


I like the spread! I often do a beginning of the day spread but not an end of the day so will give it a go. How do you lay them out? I would probably lay them out as below ----> arrow pointing to tomorrow?



Love this spread. It is going to my journal right away! Thanks for posting. Blessings,



tartanwolf said:
I like the spread! I often do a beginning of the day spread but not an end of the day so will give it a go. How do you lay them out? I would probably lay them out as below ----> arrow pointing to tomorrow?


I actually just lay them out in a row, like I would for any other kind of a draw. But that really is a nice layout! I'm not really good at figuring out card positioning like that haha

Zelmira: Glad you like it! :)


Looks like a great spread! I like the idea of a reflective end-of-day spread...

Would you still do a morning draw? Or just do this in the evening?

Either way, I'll be giving this one a go in the next few days. :D Thanks again for sharing!


DaisyDragonfly said:
Looks like a great spread! I like the idea of a reflective end-of-day spread...

Would you still do a morning draw? Or just do this in the evening?

Either way, I'll be giving this one a go in the next few days. :D Thanks again for sharing!

Yeah, I usually still do a morning draw. However, I'm starting to feel less attached to the idea of doing a morning draw, and more of an end of the day draw just because I feel less attracted to the idea of knowing what's coming, but am more interested in learning from what happened.


Yes, that makes sense. It might also feel a bit like overkill to do two readings a day for the day (so to speak).

Hmm. I'm addicted to my morning pull. Perhaps overkill is acceptable when it comes to tarot?! (Practice, I mean. Tarot practice.) ;)

Didn't get to try it yesterday, but will definitely have a go today. Thanks again for the spread!