Cards for a Faery novel I'm writing...


Hi all,

I'm in the midst of writing a novel (a novella, really - it's only 15-20,000 words) that is to be the first of four.

I thought it would be fun (and helpful to me) to draw a Faeries Oracle card once a day to keep me in tune with the Fae energy while I'm writing!

Today's card:

Epona's Wild Daughter

Inner shadows. Nightmare. Madness. Growth.

These keywords describe the writing process perfectly for me! LOL Facing down the inner demons that tell me I can't write. The nightmares of editing. The madness that overtakes me when I'm writing, so that I forget appointments, laundry, cooking, everything I'm "supposed" to be doing as a wife and mom. Hearing the voices of the characters in my head, so much so that I zone out during conversations, or stare into space during dinner while my food gets cold.

I love that she is part horse. She looks like she is poised to take off on her next grand adventure. Wish I could be more like her...



Today's Faery novel-in-progress card:

Singer of Initiation - Reversed
Passage through trial. Triumph. New level.

Reversed card is all about taking the focus off yourself and looking for ways to do thing better, more creatively. Looking for opportunities one might miss by wallowing in a pity party.

I did get to a place this past week where I felt like everything and everyone around me was pulling at me, taking away the time I'd blocked out specifically to write. I whined about it, and felt better afterwards. Now it's back to the task at hand, making an effort to make the most of the spare minutes I have.


LadyCelt said:
I love that she is part horse. She looks like she is poised to take off on her next grand adventure. Wish I could be more like her...

Maybe she is telling you, "Strive to me more like me!"

Whichever characteristics you are admiring might be the ones in yourself that are trying to come to the surface.