Manga Tarot: The Empress


This card shows a lot of the emperor qualities of a typical deck. She holds a sheild, is ready for challenges, and she is armored.

Main Color is green

Summer is the season symbol

I think it's interesting to note that the Emperor and Empress have the same season symbol. It definitely shows how both of them are connected. However, she has a shield with swans on it displaying a definitely feminine quality. With this, she is in the woods. All of this adds together to show that she has a deep respect for nature and her surroundings, as well as other living things. This is true compassion and respect, but perhaps has more of a "tough love" quality than the typical Empress card.




I like the shield. The swan is taking care of her family (little swans) Maybe it is this that show one side the nurture side of the empress. The other side is more the woman in a armor. There are time where it is needed to do some battle and revendication to be able to nurture the children.

Alan Ross

The Empress is the number 4 card in the Major Arcana, a position normally inhabited by the Emperor. As a result, she seems to have some of the qualities of the Emperor. She's tough and determined, fully armored and ready for battle. Yet her shield is illustrated with a mother swan swimming with her young chicks closely gathered around her. This shows her fertile and nurturing side, while also displaying her readiness to spring to the defense of her loved ones. I wouldn't want to mess with this Empress.


Strength originating from harmony?



I wonder about that decoration around/above her ear; at first I thought that *was* her ear, making her some kind of fey perhaps, but looking closer I think it's attached to her headdress.

There's something about her I really like, very calm and strong.

With the swans on the shield, I thought - perhaps even use the family/nurturing *as* a shield?


She is strong, confident, and tough. But she also has feminine qualities as shown by her shield. She's protective, gentle, loving, and nurturing. It is the season of growth, nurturing, connecting with nature.