What I Want/What I'm Afraid Of



This spread was inspired by lawguy's recently posted I Don't Know What To Do Spread. The last card from that spread asks "what I really want to do".

This spread takes that question and twists it a bit. It focuses on what you want and what you're afraid of. It also identifies steps to lead you towards either potential. The final card offers advice from the deck.

1. The issue
2. What I want
3. What I'm afraid of
4. Step towards what I want
5. Step towards what I'm afraid of
6. Advice from the Deck

I pull the cards in the above order, but lay them out as below:


The spread came to me rather suddenly and I used it right away. It revealed some very interesting things about my unspoken wants and fears. I'd love to know if it's useful to anyone else.

autumn star

this is a great spread PinkWillow :) ( I like your username btw)

I'm going to add it to my journal, and I know that I will be come in useful,

thanks for posting your spread :)


I will definently give this spread a try as I am in a 'limbo' time at the moment, hopefully this will help me through it :)