6 of wands clarified by The Lovers


For how he sees her physically. I have two ideas: 1) as a sexual conquest and/or 2) as idolizing her body. 6 of wands has her on a pedestal and the clarifying card symbolizes the "perfect fit". What do you think?


He may also idolize her (6W) as the perfect mate (Lovers).


Thanks! This makes sense.


Physically, he sees her as a triumph, as someone whose charms and comeliness can lead her to win over anyone she desires (6 of Wands). He would have no problem in choosing her as his girl if given the chance to pursue a serious relationship with her (The Lovers).


Wow I love the way you worded that. My friend will be very happy.. And yes, by the way he treats her this seems to be true. Much more accurate than a sexual conquest which probably would have been more accurately displayed by the devil or maybe a knight of wands.