Playing cards and elements correspondence


I have looked in the other forums for information and I don't believe this has been mentioned as far as cartomancy:

In one cartomancy (oracle) system, the elemental correspondences to suits and directions are that diamonds are "Fire, Spring, thinking suit;” hearts are "Water, Summer, feeling suit;" clubs are "Air, Autumn, doing suit;" and spades are "Earth, Winter, learning suit." This would traditionally equate diamonds as swords/fire; clubs as wands/air; spades as pentacles/earth; and (of course) hearts cups/water.

How do we reconcile these differences?



My method....

Sorry KK,

I didnt see your post till today! Ok, I will try to sum it up: When I first started trying to read playing cards, I didn't have a book that would show me which was which with the playing cards, and I didnt know there was a diffrence till much lator. To me:

Diamond: Wands-thoughts
Clubs: Swords-Fire
Hearts: Cups-water
Spades: Pentacles-earth

With the wand-air, sword fire method, I got from Ellen Cannon Reed's Witches' Tarot, which made a lot of sense to me. The idea of counting how how many wands, swords, cups and pentacles (and with regular tarot, the Major Arcana, came from Reed as well.


From the above, Even without looking at the reading, My first thought would be that the person in General's action's would be based on emotions, no thoughts are really involved, and from the looks of it, nothing that would aid with well being. This of course would depend on the actuall cards in the reading. Years lator, when I actually found a book that tells you how to use playing cards to read fortunes, I was like thinking, (In a High-shrill and embaressed way,) "I no! I'm doing it ALL wrong!!!" So I tried doing it the way of the book...but my way stuck with me, and Each time I look at the playing cards, I thought of various tarot cards that they would represent...which makes it difficult if you are trying to play or watch a game of cards at a casino, or play a game of solitare. But usefull if you don't want people to realise what you are doing...say the kind of people that would tell you that you were going to hell or such. If they see something odd with the way I lay the playing cards out, I just fib a little and say it's another game of solitare, one that I made up. Thanks for asking me.