Anna K. Study - Queen of Rods


This queen is outside dancing in the beautiful sunflower fields. The sun is shining on her face, she is laughing and happy. Her dress is yellow, with some red ornamentation matching her earrings. Her long curly golden hair waves in the wind, the golden crown on her head is open so she can feel the sun and wind on her head. She has an open posture, with a wooden wand resting on the ground in her left hand. The sunflowers are looking up to her, following her with their heads. She is a leader. Sunflowers are symbolizing life, fertility, joy and satisfaction. Warmth is radiating from this card.

She is full of energy, passion, creativity and decisiveness. She knows what she wants and how to get it, but always in the most nice way without being in the way of someone else. She has a strong but kind energy. She is striding elegantly, with a smile, but determined through the fields.

Self-actualisation is important, she is not just a thinker but she also acts by it.
She is outside in the sun often, her skin is tanned and she is blushing. This queen is like the sun, full of energy, the glowing centre that gets things moving, radiating her warmth on other people around her, from the inside out. She’s good at making new friends, a natural extrovert.

She can have a hard time when she is not in the centre of attention.

Yellow is the colour of creativity, sun, light, life, fantasy, intelligence, travel, spring.



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