Alice Tarot Study Group?


Would anyone be interested in studying Baba Studios Alice Tarot? I love my deck and I'd like to start a study group. It would be fun and interesting to study the "Alice" meanings in the context of the original stories, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, and Through the Looking Glass. They are widely available free of charge on the internet. I have a Kindle Fire, so I downloaded them both free from Amazon, here:'s+adventures+in+wonderland+free

Pam O

Would anyone be interested in studying Baba Studios Alice Tarot?

What about a study group in general?

There are so many different angles of these cards. :lightbulb

There seems to be some intriguing subtle, shadow type effects that are hidden in images. Karen & Alex have been known to add symbolism they don't mention, even in even their more detailed companion books. They did the same thing in the Bohemian Gothic Tarot. it is up to us, the readers, to find them. I believe the Cheshire cat is hidden in at least one foil affect.
.....and I saw a very interesting foil image lurking in the Red Queen's dress. I seem to remember it was a card where she was running.
.....also the White Rabbit seems to be lurking in foil.

I am intrigued to read study group enteries to learn what others have discovered !


I think a general study group would be great - I was just mentioning the card/book comparison as a possibility. I haven't had a chance to look at the cards carefully enough to find the hidden images, so it will also be a fun treasure hung, I think.


Moderator message

Hi folks,

I've started an index thread for the group and added the threads you've done so far to it..
Here it is: Alice Tarot index thread

Please send me a private message when you start a new thread with a link if possible so that I can keep the index updated.

In case you haven't read them, here's a link to the posting guidelines: Tarot Study Groups posting guidelines

Let me know if you need help with anything.

Sulis - Tarot Study Groups moderator

Pam O

Karen mentions Gutenberg Project as a source for the books.

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll - Project Gutenberg › 46,999 free ebooks › 29 by Lewis Carroll
Available in several formats, from Project Gutenberg.

The Project Gutenberg eBook of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland ...
The Project Gutenberg EBook of Alice in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions*...

I have not yet found the illustrated sequel.


The Alice Tarot by Baba Studios

I've just purchased the alice deck by Baba Studios I love them so much cheeky personality. I do find that I can only do study session with this one in spurs does anyone else get that with the deck. Because it has so much exuberant energies which is great then afterwards I'm like I need a breather from you? Does anyone else get that or just me?