Baroque Bohemian Cats - Seven of Swords


I credit Faolainn Storm for the original exhaustive list of things to consider when studying a card. I've modified her list for my own needs. I'm also not completing all the items right now, so I can re-visit this card again.


Initial Impressions: Finders Keepers
Card description, symbols and objects: A ginger Abbysinnian cat is holding 5 swords, behind him are 2 others planted tip downwards, with a magpie perched on one. He is wearing blue short pants, with a richer blue jacket which his decorative embroidery. He stands in a meadow/field/grassy area, one foot on some purple flowers. In the background is a small structure with a tile roof; it has no windows, and the door is closed. Further back is a cove of trees - with a prominent weeping willow.
Symbols on this card suggest: magpie - thievery, "ooh, shiny!", stealing something of no use to one; weeping willow - loss, bending with the wind; enclosed building - being closed off, lack of contact with the outside (or the inside)
Emotions, feelings, and attitudes of the figures, and the mood and atmosphere of the environment: the kitty is leaning forward, but doesn't seem to be in a hurry, as both feet are on the ground. He holds the swords by the blade, cupping the hilts with his right paw. His expressing is satisfied - a bit of the 'cat that ate the canary'. I get the sense that he is completely fearless in his thievery.
Mental: getting away with something, amorality, lack of conscience
Spirit: acting against one's better nature, 'whatever goes', impulse trumping conscience
Emotional: rationalization, lack of empathy, 'looking out for number one', being cold-hearted
Physical: not paying attention to how one's lifestyle impacts one's health, taking what one needs without consideration for others
Soul: being lost in materialism, with no thought of the impact of one's actions upon one's spirit
Business: making business decisions based on short-term gain
Relationship(s): someone is not what they seem, someone thinks that they are getting away with something.
Beneficial: the ability to put emotional/moral factors aside and do what is best for one's short-term interest, focus on doing whatever it takes to get what one needs, guiltless selfishness
Problematic: me-first attitude, getting something for nothing, making bad decisions and fooling one's self into thinking that they are good ones
Passing Influence: moving beyond a 'me-first' attitude, or taking what's at hand and getting out of a bad situation
The Situation: you've thoughtlessly taken advantage of someone, are you really happy with that choice?
Hidden influence - what cannot be changed: you are dealing with a loss, someone is not what they seem and is acting to your detriment, you have chosen a materialistic mindset, and that is why you are having 'xxx' problem
Advice: look out for number one, what you need is there for the taking, have no qualms about this
Foundation of the question, basis for asking: worry that someone is stealing you blind, thinking that the only way you can get what you need is to take it
Gift of the Universe - unlooked-for help: what you need is there for the taking, or you will lose something that you really don't need, which is holding you back.
Outcome: loss
The number, suit/element/mode is about:
Synthesizing number + suit + element + mode yields:
This card reminds me of the following:
Metaphors in this image include:
“Once upon a time…”
Dialoguing with the figure/objects on this card, I learn:
Imagining myself in this card, I learn:
Myths and archetypes related to this card include:
These suggest:
Embodying this card I learn:
Other thoughts I have about this card:

- original form from Faolainn Storm on ATF
ETA: edited for clarity