Baroque Bohemian Cats - Seven of Wands


I credit Faolainn Storm for the original exhaustive list of things to consider when studying a card. I've modified her list for my own needs.

Initial Impressions: Stand up for yourself
Card description, symbols and objects: a silver Oriental cat is standing up in a rooftop environment, fending off 6 cudgel-like wands with his own. The expression on his face is photoshopped to give him a ferocious look (to me this fails miserably, and just looks like a caricature). He is wearing red short pants, with a white shirt and a red-trimmed green weskit. The sky behind him is stormy, and next to him is a statue of 2 adorable putti playing 'ride the horsie', or perhaps having a bit of a tussle of their own. In the far distance you can see the peaks of some v. dark mountains. The light is coming from behind and is rather low, suggesting either an evening time, or the calm before a storm. There is a wrought-iron railing between the cat and his attackers.
Symbols on this card suggest: a seige - the cat looks tired yet vigorous to me, but there doesn't seem to be a break in the offing. This is a battle that will continue for some time - though perhaps the sky god is coming to his aid, if a breaking thunderstorm would help drive off the attackers.
Emotions, feelings, and attitudes of the figures, and the mood and atmosphere of the environment: ferocity, defense of self, all-out-war; this is not a fun time, there is no sense of play (save the putti, who are obviously having a tussle which may be more vigorous than it appears). A serious time, no sense of wavering or second thoughts
Mental: strong single focus on doing what's necessary to protect self, to survive.
Spirit: no hesitation, energy flaring outwards to repel bad influences. a complete act of will, going beyond physical exhaustion to do what must be done to defend one's self or one's 'castle'
Emotional: stormy emotions, anger directed at others, unpitying and unmerciful directed anger, no regrets or second thoughts.
Physical: physical violence, defense against lawsuit or burglary, immune system issues - it will be strained by bacteria/viruses, OR vigorous good health is able to defend against same
Soul: attack by spiritual entities (yikes), finding spiritual strength within oneself to defend from attacks by others, the spirit world rises to one's defense
Business: the need to defend from colleagues who are spreading rumors, defending against a bad supervisory review, finding the energy to push back against other businesses who are marketing against you, good defense of malicious lawsuit
Relationship(s): a time when friends turn against you, fights with significant others which start out playfully and end up wounding, a time when you can't count on others to help you, you must help yourself.
Beneficial: lots of ENERGY, single focus, drive, you have what it takes to do what has to be done. Take a stand!
Problematic: you're on your own now, no-one is there to help you, attacks of any sort from others that must be responded to vigorously
Passing Influence: You've been involved in a battle for what you believe in, hold dear, your health or otherwise - for better or worse that time is over.
The Situation: it's you against the world - it's time to step up to the plate and give it your all.
Hidden influence - what cannot be changed: others are actively working against you, but you have the energy and drive to take care of it. The only problem is that only you can do what's needed
Advice: get on with it! not only is this your job/issue, but no-one can attack this matter as well as you
Foundation: you're feeling attacked by outsiders, what can you do about it?
Gift of the Universe: you have the energy, drive, vigor and emotional energy to repel these attackers. You don't need anyone's help, you are completely adequate to the job.
Outcome: if you continue on this course of action you are going to find yourself defending yourself from others, with no-one to back you up.