What does a " Wheel of fortune " couple mean?


I've done a calculation thing about whether i will be a perfect match with this guy or not. And the final number came out = 10 which is " Wheel of Fortune ".
So what's " wheel of fortune " couple mean?

Please advise.

le fey

Life's a crapshoot... there's no such thing as 'perfect'... you'll have ups and downs, good times and bad - but you can't win if you don't play. ;)


In addition to the ups and downs, I often see karmic or past life issues going on with Wheel relationships...


Perhaps it will help you to think of the "Wheel of Fortune" as a symbol for "what happens to us," rather than "what we cause to happen," ourselves. For all its apparent serendipity or fate, I propose it is also a choice; namely, the decision whether to allow outside forces dictate an outcome or path.

Just some thoughts. Enjoy. - Scott


le fey said:
Life's a crapshoot... there's no such thing as 'perfect'... you'll have ups and downs, good times and bad - but you can't win if you don't play. ;)
Good call, le fey! I entirely agree.


le fey said:
Life's a crapshoot... there's no such thing as 'perfect'... you'll have ups and downs, good times and bad - but you can't win if you don't play. ;)
That is true.

When I met the man I've been with, going on 10 years ago, I asked a friend of mine to do a reading about us and our future, the Wheel of Fortune showed up and it turned my whole life around, it's like my whole luck changed after I met him. It was one of the most frightening times in my life, because I simply had to trust and play... or the other risk was playing it safe and missing this chance for love.

We've had plenty of ups and downs, but on the whole, I feel like Cinderella... some days it's a ball and others, I'm still scrubbing soot.


WalesWoman said:
That is true.

When I met the man I've been with, going on 10 years ago, I asked a friend of mine to do a reading about us and our future, the Wheel of Fortune showed up and it turned my whole life around, it's like my whole luck changed after I met him. It was one of the most frightening times in my life, because I simply had to trust and play... or the other risk was playing it safe and missing this chance for love.

We've had plenty of ups and downs, but on the whole, I feel like Cinderella... some days it's a ball and others, I'm still scrubbing soot.

you know...i've been together with this man for like 7 months and it's been a tough and happiness time for me.

Now i understand what's wheel of fortune mean ...


Anyone who thinks meeting the right guy isn't going to be full up ups and downs isn't thinking realistically. We never get up to a plateau and stay where it's good. We're not meant to. I think the Wheel is telling you you'll have a relationship that's normal, like any other.


Karmic connection for sure

Prepare for the possibility of a bumpy ride!!!



And of course, full of ups and downs, but every relationship has that...