The Alice Tarot


MoonGypsy said:
Great, Karen! :D It makes me think of "Make Cakes Not War!" :laugh: :thumbsup:


Hee! Yes, it does look like that doesn't it. I am a great believer in the peace-making power of cakes.


alice_addams said:
Love it! Honestly, when I saw the first scan I wasn't sure if this deck would be for me, but the more I see...looks like you will be outdoing the Wonderland for sure!

Well, the Wonderland is really from a pre-digital era so to be fair it's like comparing chalk and cheese. Our illustrations are much more sophisticated technically, but that's in part because we have the wonders (cough) of computers and digital photography now.


This is being a fascinating process to watch. I do have one question, though...perhaps a quibble? Please don't take offense, none is intended.
The page of cups as fish head really bothers me...he looks so dead to me, sort of dry and pink, and sort of paper-mache. Why is he pink? I think I'd like him a lot better in silver or gold, I think he'd look more alive...or is looking dead the point?



...that is all i can manage right now.


magpie9 said:
This is being a fascinating process to watch. I do have one question, though...perhaps a quibble? Please don't take offense, none is intended.
The page of cups as fish head really bothers me...he looks so dead to me, sort of dry and pink, and sort of paper-mache. Why is he pink? I think I'd like him a lot better in silver or gold, I think he'd look more alive...or is looking dead the point?

Ah, he's a whole fish not a fish head - he has a tail.

We based this on a real fish and it was in fact pink. We considered brown or green but it got a bit lost in the background so we stuck to the natural colour. The colour might get changed later, but it will depend a lot on other aspects of the deck. I actually quite like him pink but we tend to review all colours when we get a bit further on in the deck so you never know :)


I'm rather keen on Strength. But then the Lion and the Unicorn were always some of my favourite characters - wild and dangerous yet with some civilising gloss.


Aerin said:
I'm rather keen on Strength. But then the Lion and the Unicorn were always some of my favourite characters - wild and dangerous yet with some civilising gloss.

Thank-you. Yes, I like the way this card turned out. The Unicorn will appear later in the deck too, but I think, sadly, this will be the Lion's only appearance. Though we do have some card attributions that are still not finalised.


I love the Strength card! Very unique and clever. I like the expression on the lion's face! I'm an animal lover and lions are just about my favourite animal so this is saying a lot. :love:


One more this the cake you mentioned about baking for the photoshoot?


Libra8ca said:
One more this the cake you mentioned about baking for the photoshoot?

Yes, but I didn't make the one in the picture. For the Tea Party scene I will either do a giant baking session or go down to our best French patisserie. I am sort of leaning towards the patisserie. :)

However, the "Eat Me" cupcakes will be done by me - but I need to find somewhere here that sells good cake icing colouring.