Gaian - 10 of Fire


The picture depicts a forest on fire with smoke.
Whilst I am using the Gaian book to help me through this process, the following is a combinatin of my interpretation with assistance from the book.
This card is transformation of new self, possibly burnout from too many commitments andc need to turf some of these commitments; really, why do you need to be involved in so many activities, or activities that are time consuming and time intensive - who are you trying to please? Something will be destroyed/cease but something better will occur/rebuild/regenerate (possibly creativity based); the card is an ending to something however there is a new beginning to occur once the old is removed. It is important to release your energy, passion and/or growth in order to move on.

Please can some offer further sugggests as to what "fire" symbolises.


I've had this card come up a couple of times in relation to readings I've done for myself about the end of a friendship. There was a lot of anger (fire) involved in the ending, and also a lot of confusion (smoke). Another aspect is that the relationship "burned itself out."


There are two aspects to forest fires. In the first place, the fire is necessary to "groom" the forest, help certain plants and trees propagate, remove underbrush, and Mother Nature took care of the need for that by giving us lightning to set off the fires. In Oregon, we have forest fires every year. But the down side is when the fires burn too close to people's homes or when the smoke gets trapped in the valleys and causes breathing problems for people with asthma, COPD and other respiratory ailments.

Sometimes there's slash burning in Oregon, too, where the logging companies pile up all the debris from a logging site and burn off the piles in a controlled manner in order to try to prevent forest fires from starting in all that pitchy wood that's piled up. On a hot summer night, looking up to the mountains and seeing the glow of a fire up on a high ridge is really an awe-inspiring sight. We always just pray it's a controlled slash burn and not a forest fire headed down into the valley.

One of the meanings I can foresee from this card is that even though you're losing a lot in a manner that you wouldn't have chosen, at least good will come of it in the end.