the jungian tarot chariot


the all present father.
"the father who presence you somehow always feel-(and cannot escape)"
that could make sense as mankind started to expand as a species it become hard in the modern day to travel without meeting someone when 150 years ago in north american could go a lifetime without seeing someone as the saying goes.
but in the more personal nature our father images messages to us alwasy ring in our minds and our dreams even years after they pass or we have moved on our own.

"the chariot is perhaps the least understood card of the tarot deck, one which can be explained only in terms of the heirophant as demiurge i.e. as ruler over an illusory condition."

i beleive this means that we rule over what is illusory conditions in the spiritual terms when the greater source rules over the real conditions. and while we may hear our father voices in our mind, that doesn't mean he rules us for he set those rules down long ago but we are our own person and it is time for us to be our own chariot.

"the hierophant ,as we have seen, creates a world in which he claims absolute authority;he hides (whether intentionally or in his ignorance) from those living in this world, the fact there is a greater father, to whom he is subject, and the world over which he "rules" is a deception.

the heirophant claims to be the absolute authority yet that source which he is teachign from is the higher authority to which the heirophant answers to. so the world in which the hierophant is the absolute authority is an illusion, a deception to which limites our connection to the source .

"it is into this imperfect world that the son is born. But the father who is the supreme creator, provides his son with a link to himself,by which the son may both be protected from the illusions of the lesser creator, and by which he may transcend that debased authority"

so the chariot is about the greater source slowly revealing his presence that which transcends the influences of our real father, our hieorophantic teachers, and that which we can percieve in our society modern truths.

"the chariot, the archetype of the spirit below. the charioteer is the only figure in the tarot deck which can move between "planes" i.e. between states of consciousness effortlessly. it is for this reason that the chariot is not drawn by horses. It is, rather, propelled by the energy of the crown, which is that of the supreme creator to whom, alone, the charioteer is answerable. the charioteer is also a helper which may be indentified as the guardian angel"

for the chariot represents our connection to the all present greater source, it is that energy and drive that allows us to go from planes as fit for our growth. ideally it should be driven by the direction or our crown center however mostly i feel in today world it is driven by the will center of the individuals who get stuck in the mundane (but important to us individuals on earth) like politics, material wealth, suriving in a business world so we leave a legacy for our children.
in such a case we have followed the way of the illusory father teachings and that of society.

"in pratical terms, it is understood that the son represents emerging consciousness. the chariot is a card asserting that in this process we are not alone, and that there is inner guidance and protection which may lead us out of the illusions of our own sense how do we deal with this figure in mediation?:

so in other words , as we travel there is a charioteer traveling with us, leading us , guiding us however much we are open to it on our travels through this world and our lives. it speaks to us through inner guidance, and says do you know that you are acting out of illusory thoughts and the real truth is yet to be revealed. ?

"on one level this is the father as protector,this is something of a deus ex machine figure-god lowered into the medevil stage on a rope-a figure who steps in to save the day all else fails"

let relate it to the story of the boat but changing it into a chariot :O).
there was a fire and all around there was smoke and things catchign flame. a man rides on a chariot and says "jump in now is the chance, there is no other hope ". to which the believer says "I'm waiting for god to lift me up so i dont' burn in these flames"
the charioteer realizing that there was no helping this person and while he could of knock the believer out and tried to save him . it would of took too much time and cost them both their lives. and so he rode off with one last look at the person that says "i am so sorry but i can not help you for you dont' want ot be help to do so would take your free will away and so much more the pity "(and a second look back said fool ).
and so the beliver burned and he said why did i burn , i had faith ..
and the answer said but not the insight to jump into my rescue ship i had set on the path to help you ".

"inner conversation logically begins with the figure as an aspect of our own father, whose protection, good or bad, we consider. a medition will then deepen to deal with what we have described as the relationship between the emerging self., and the supreme creator which is the ultimate reality from which the self derives"

so in order to view the cosmos we must veiw the macroscosm first of our father figures as their presence flows all through our lives. then as we deepen this understanding, the connection between our emerging self which is called the soul and the supreme creator which is the source of that soul will also deepen as we forgive and grow.


the all-present father mediation

the stars behind the father in that portal remind me of the ten spheres of the kabbalah but just rearranged as to reflect the energy of a person head aura. our thoughts themselves travel the spheres and walks the path of the kabbalah, each complete in itself has done so, and where they stopped was just a test of our will. the will that may have bene influenced by the all present father image in our minds.

in my card there is a little white mark by the father right side head that is white. it might just be paint coming off or..
it could represent when a spirit talks to a person they come to the psychic recepters of the person head.
these are the ear chakras just above the ear on the side.

the two trees are so perfectly symetrical and in such alignment not only with each other as individuals. it is a the mirror image of each other. the all present father image is a mirror of ourselves, what we could of been, what we could be, and who we are , and how we are differnt.

the grass on the land seems to be perfectly cut as least that is the impression i am getting. that means the pentacles side of our nature is organized, and disciplined.

it says in the book that the crown is driving the chariot , that crown is just the manifestation of the active crown center , which means the spiritual nature of the charioteer is driving it and the fire that drives them to transform.

the fire at the bottom of the chariot is representative of the fire of hells as is percieved by those who believe in such an place.
"i will walk through hell for you" the card is saying to me,

the snake represents the judgemental nature of the present father , it can bite without warning, we will never know why , one can not truly understand the nature of a snake, it is too foreign to us. the quick poisonous bite of a snake can also cure if used right.
and so that is what the charioteer attempts to do to cure us by biting us, influencing us with the poison of a cobra

"i travel with you where ever you go , i am the image of the example of the father , the man that you should strive to be and try to change witin you .
for you ladies out there, i am the figure you must forgive, accept, love to transform your own life, and also i am the figure that you are trying to find in your ideal mate."

"as the source i am with you always, and that aspects is within you should you try to reach it. "

"it is our combined spirit that says explore the world, take what is best with you , and try to share your self with others.
through control of your ambition , along with my presence you shall be victorious"