Less popular tarots study group category


Upon placing the thread "The Vampire Tarot" I realized something... Not many people use that deck.I'm kind of new to this site but I think there should be a Study Groups category for decks that are uncommon, rarely used, or just not talked about often. Post your opinion. I might set up another thread for all the other less commonly used decks. Maybe this is just my way of over-reacting to the fact that over the coarse of the day me Vampire Tarot thread hasn't been responded to and has only been viewed 4 times. I don't know. I guess I'm a bit of a whiny loser. :'(


its not that every deck will have its own studygroup.
or that people are interested in a studygroup even if they do have the deck, and time can be a limiting factor. alternative if there is not enough interest is join the studygroup with journal entries, is goes with any deck.
and, you might be right about the vampire not being very popular as i dont see it discussed often, but that shouldnt stop you from using or studying it.



You're right. I hate it, but your right. I'm just really new at this and have nothing else to do. Also, by this thread I meant that there should be a category for less popular decks as in grouped together. Either way you're right. Also, I've got all summer to study. (I'm a soon to be sophmore whose girlfriend isn't allowd to associate with him with no job) So I'm kinda going into tarot and psychic training while I can.

Two of Wands


Study groups are hard things to set up, but rewarding when they get going. I wish more could be done here to create study groups for rarer Tarot Decks. It is so much fun studying them with other people.

If I had the Vampire Tarot, I'd study it with you, but I don't. I'm currently working in a Tarot of the Old Path Study Group. This is not a rare deck but it's not as commonly studied as others, which, for me, is what is making it so good to study. There are about three of us who are regulars and then others dip in from time to time.

Holmes is running a study group on his own for The Jungian Tarot. Perhaps you could keep studying the Vampire Tarot, type your findings up on the forum and maybe you may slowly draw others in.

I think as yet more members join, there will be more scope for study groups of more unusual decks. It takes time and dedication, but it's really rewarding because you know that you are doing something brand new. For example loads of people have studied the Rider Waite, but it's exciting for me to be part of a team studying the 'Old Path' because, as far as I know, that's never been done as a collective effort before.

So don't give up hope on your Vampire Study Group idea. If you feel up to it - keep going at it on your own. And if that's not what you want, well try it again in about six months time or something, or mention it to a member if you see them mention the deck. I think a lot of the success of a study group relies on the timing.

Best wishes
