Rohrig Three Card Question??????

Little Baron


I have had a few health concerns lately and to be honest, it has really been on my mind a lot. You know how it is, when every time that there is nothing going through your mind, the worries and anxieties invade that space and you can think of nothing else? Well, it's been like that.

Today, as a comfort, I pulled a card of the day from the Rohrig. Thought it might make me feel better.

I pulled the 8 of Cups - Indolence. I chose not to read the definition from the LWB and when I saw the card, thought that maybe I didn't need to. This was a difficult card for me to take and read because all I could focus on was how dark and somber the image was. I do feel like those trees at the moment - blown about with no control. I tried to relate to the light on the ground as some kind of hope but failed to get much inspiration from it. The other aspects of the card that I was drawn to was the swirly designs at the top and the spider-web like trails that hand over the image. I saw the trails as 'sticky' and something I was trying to shake off. The swirly image looked like so many of the 'mixed together body' patterns in the rest of the card so I saw that as my physical body. The only possitive thing I could relate to was that one of the swirls is remenisant of the large swirl in the 4 of Cups (Luxury), the 9 of Cups (Happiness) and the 9 of Disks (Gain).

Due to the fact that this card confused me somewhat, I decided to shuffle the remainder of the deck, cut it and place a card on either side of my 8 of Cups as some kind of extra guidance.

On the left, I drew the 8 of Disks. Another 8! There was some hope in this image for me intuitively and I also related to the creative drive that I am not feeling within my work at the moment. The group of people, at this moment, I can not relate to.

On the right, I drew the 8 of Swords. Then I started to get concerned. Why 3 8's? What is this trying to tell me. I can definitely relate to the guy in between these two women at the moment. I can see the different roads that mind goes down and the worries that I so often have. I can see the communication drawbacks that I have when I am worried; the way in which I can hold things in and they end up coming out in a different way - sometimes holding worries in have lead to people having physical problems due to the stress.

Can any of you help me with this one. I havn't refered to any books yet; I wanted to talk to you first.

Best wishes



What does it mean?

<<Why 3 8's? What is this trying to tell me>>

Maybe your health has been affected by something you ate?

(I hang my head in shame, but it was too hard a struggle to resist the pun.)

I noticed you posting elsewhere about this project you have to do within two months (the one you were thinking of using tarot for), so perhaps you are right in thinking stress might be a factor. It's summer, the weather is nice, and you've got looming work and a deadline, I'd be surprised if you weren't anxious.

In the Tree of Life the eights are associated with reasoning and intellect. Confusion can lead to overthinking, obsession and huge loads of stomach churning anxiety. It can also mean retreat and recharging rather than mere indolence. Refining skills and focusing in on things. Two different ways of thinking about the eights, one not so good, one better. So if you're confused, retreat and regroup, maybe do some creative things to get your ideas flowing in yourself regardless of the people you have to work with. You can always relate to yourself.

Since you often do comparisons between decks, why don't you haul out these 3 eights in other decks you own and have a sit and write some thoughts about the imagery for further clarification. The thing about keywords in decks (and I actually like them) is that they can hang you up on one aspect, so maybe another deck might enlighten further.


According to the book, Tarot Companion, by Tracy Porter, three 8's in a reading reflect the coming together of a partnership or alliance. This could be a business or a personal relationship.

While I'm not the type to quickly adopt other people's conclusions, for some reason, this seems to have an appeal for me.

I see the combined sloth, distraction and abundance in the cards as counter-intuitive to a business alliance, so I'd lean towards a personal relationship of some type.

This is not based on anything but my feelings.

Little Baron

Thankyou Freesiaskye and Divinerguy

Your insight was very important and useful to me. Sometimes, you can get so fixed on something in your mind that it is hard to see past it yourself.

I will definitely try the 3 8's from a different pack.

I am also about to draw 3 cards from The Cosmic Tribe.

I have a doctors appointment this morning so I am a bit on edge. I hate going to the doctors; always worried they are going to tell me something terrible.

Thanks again and warm regards
