Wildwood - Three of Bows


Card/Number/Keyword: Three of Bows - Fulfillment.

First impressions: No fire. Feels fresh. Something has been grounded. Balance between thought, enthusiasm and action. For the first time, a bow is in his hands. How can he see clearly, though, with all that wool cloaking his head?

Senses: Dry, firm mud beneath your feet. Hood and mantle itch and warm in equal measure. Warm sun and smell of growing green things.

Symbols: Caduceus. Cloak.

Story: I've worked hard. Made a difference. Once there was all fire, all crackling burning potential...It took effort - application, willpower - to change it into something concrete, something real. And now I have my bow - once merely an idea I had and now look! It is here in my hand, no longer existing only in my head - and I raise my hand to acknowledge the effort that has been expended. I have the finished, the process is complete. Effort has been well worth it, I am the m...

...Wait. Look. In front of me. Those doors remain.

By doors I mean staves. Two of them. Not so long ago they burned, forcing me to choose how I would proceed. I thank them now (as I thanked them then) for without their scalding flame this bow would never have been created. But why are they here now? Surely the process is over, my project finished? Their energy was gone, used up in the making...I passed between them already. It took courage, passion, a sense of adventure, of successful endeavor...

Dammit! Why are they still here? I'm finished. Aren't I?

Element: Fire.

Keywords: Completion of a prototype, achievement. First efforts pay off.

What to do: Understand a project isn't finished when the pressure's off; the first idea isn't the finished item.

What not to do: Abandon your project. Or try and sell it/put it out amongst the others as is. It's not over.

Next Steps: You might need a bit of perspective to see your project as it really is, not how you think it is. So, for the moment, be happy with what you've accomplished so far...and book a bit of a break in order to give you the space you need.

Affirmation: I celebrate first ideas and understand how they help me reach my full perspective.