Water Cup Desert Spread


I came up with this spread in order to ask about a current (and recurrent) situation, which is my emotional relationship with money. Sometimes this is a good thing; I'll buy tickets to a performance that we will remember a long time and put off some practical thing that we can, for now, do without. On the other hand, of course, I buy things when I'm bored when I really ought to wait until a purchase would be truly fulfilling and not just alliviatory.
One through eight are supposed to look like a cup with a handle, nine is rising from the cup like steam.

Water Cup Desert Spread





1-3: What the surface situation is.

4-5: What supports it.

6: What is at the bottom of it.

7-8: How to get a handle on it.

9: What will emenate from it (outcome).

This is what I drew:


7 of Swords....Judgement....5 of Coins.............Queen of Swords

Queen of Coins...................Ace of Wands.....6 of Swords

......................Knight of Coins

Feel free if anyone would like to comment on the spread per se, or on what I drew. I would be interested in your comments and insights:)


Wow! What a great spread! You use the positions within the 'cup' so descriptively in terms of the spread itself. Fabulous!

I'll have to lay out the cards to look at the reading...

Great job! :)




I like this spread. The way the positions match up with the meaning makes it easy to remember.


I can't lay out the whole spread right now due to time constraints, but I've got an idea for the "how to get a handle on it" part.

Six of Swords and Queen of Swords: Whenever you have a strong desire to make a purchase you don't really need, imagine yourself walking down the stairs in the six of swords, and into the pink tower. There you will find the Queen of Swords, with her great big disapproving eyes staring at you and her purple lips pressed tightly together. Look up and explain to her why you want to buy something because you're bored. She'll probably make you stand in the corner until the urge passes.


I love that idea, Becky:) I can definately see that if I have to clear it with the Queen of Swords first, the urge to get something frivolous would evaporate pretty quickly!