Cards you just don't like..?


For me, it's the Hierophant. As an ex-Catholic, he just reminds me of the religion of my childhood. One Hierophant card I actually like is the one in the Paulina Tarot (it's the rest of the deck I don't like!) but overall, he just seems so oppressive and controlling.


Is it odd that I LOVE "bad luck" cards? My life has been full of bad luck, but I've turned it around. No card is ever truly negative or positive, and I love the challenge of finding the positive in life.

As for cards I dislike... none really. I'm neutral towards some, but none I can think of off hand.


I never could stand the wheel of fortune. It just seems like such a wishy-washy card to me. Why even bother having it in the deck. And, then, didn't one of my favorite decks come with TWO of these blasted cards in it? :p must have been just to irritate me. :D

I completely agree with you on this. Fortunately (pun possibly intended) I never seem to draw this card.

i really dislike the 9 of pentacles because I equate that card with being alone and I hate being by myself!

Aw...that's too bad. This is one of my favorite cards. Makes me feel good about myself. But then I enjoy being alone - it so rarely happens. :)

For me, it's the Hierophant. As an ex-Catholic, he just reminds me of the religion of my childhood. One Hierophant card I actually like is the one in the Paulina Tarot (it's the rest of the deck I don't like!) but overall, he just seems so oppressive and controlling.

I'm a sometimes Catholic and I really love the Hierophant. I always see him as possessing all the positive qualities a priest ought to have. But then I've been lucky in that we've always had really good priests at my parish. I also didn't grow up Catholic, so I don't have all that negative childhood history that so many cradle-Catholics carry around with them.

The cards that bother me the most are the Seven of Wands, the Nine of Wands, all the Pages and Judgment. Ok...what's the difference between the seven and nine of wands? I have no idea...but they show up all the time, just to torment me. And what are the Pages for? They seem like slightly younger versions of the knights to me. I don't understand them, obviously. And Judgment...when I draw this card I get defensive (hello seven and nine of wands!) and think "don't be judging me!". One might say, well there's the rebirth aspect...but isn't the World a rebirth also? I can't get comfortable with this card.


Really, "giddy-excited," no less. This astounds me, but as you say, people view things so very differently.


Yup! I'm an artist, and while I align myself with a more "wandsy" worldview, I find inspiration the 3 & 8 of Pents. The 8 of Pents reminds me of the joy of the process--- I see the craftman/woman on the card deep in focus, lost to the day to day worries, as he/she falls into the flow of doing what you love. 3 of Pents is the extension of this: as you continue to refine your work, you become a master of it. It's not flashy, but a demonstration of the quiet satisfaction of others recognizing your competence. It's not that being an artists is about external validation, but it sure is nice, :laugh: I guess I find them grounding, but never dull.


The cards that bother me the most are the Seven of Wands, the Nine of Wands, all the Pages and Judgment. Ok...what's the difference between the seven and nine of wands? I have no idea...but they show up all the time, just to torment me. And what are the Pages for? They seem like slightly younger versions of the knights to me. I don't understand them, obviously. And Judgment...when I draw this card I get defensive (hello seven and nine of wands!) and think "don't be judging me!". One might say, well there's the rebirth aspect...but isn't the World a rebirth also? I can't get comfortable with this card.

To me, the 7 of Wands is an active card, while the 9 of wands is a defensive card. 7 of Wands is jumping into a battle not knowing or caring the outcome, because it's a fight you believe in. 9 of Wands is more about protecting what matters to you. You are fighting not because of ideals, but because you have so much to lose.

I guess to simplify it, 7 of Wands is a young person's fight and 9 of wands is an older person's fight.


Queen of Swords. She reminds me of my mother, who I love despite our difficult relationship and clashing personalities. The Q of Swords is pretty much everything I am not, and do not want to be. I need to become more neutral about this card because I'm sure I miss a lot in a reading by only seeing the negatives of this card.

ETA- Gosh, as soon as I posted, I realized she reminds me of my mother-in-law as well! :eek:

lol its funny cause it is exactly how i feel !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahah


Heh. My mother was a Queen, all right, sometimes one of each. When she was in Sword phase, that's when we would fight! But that Sword gave her the steel up her spine to deal with the outside world to good effect.

I don't like (surprise surprise) Death and the Tower. Life is full of changes anyway; stop slamming me over the head with the awareness!! $#@%&!! The older I get the worse I feel about it. It's the main reason I don't read predictions for myself any more.

As for the Hierophant, I have no trouble with it in general; a lot depends on the context. (I too was raised Catholic but bear no scars from it; my differences with it are ideological.) I don't quite see the World as rebirth, more like a summation or completion; so Judgment works fine as Rebirth for me.

I like what Vee said here about the Pents and Wands; I always did agree about the Pents and artistry, but the Wands comment clarifies a lot for me. Thank you.


I really dislike the 2 of pentacles in various decks because I hate that its a card where the person is usually dressed as a juggler and is described as juggling. It really bothers me because you don't really juggle with 2 items. I can see balancing, etc. in the card, but actual juggling, no way. Its really jarring to me, every time I see that card, my mind screams, "You juggle with 3 or more! 3 or more!"

Ah, I guess its just me. : )

Le Fanu

Yep me too on the two and three of wands. I think I've figured out, though, that the Two is sending your "stuff" out to the Universe and then the Three is when you see "stuff" coming back to you as a result.
Interesting... I tend to see the Two of Wands as the slow realisation that you need to seize the day, that something might be wrong. The three of Wands is the seizing actually manifesting.

In the Thoth they're such distinct cards. The RWS has really watered them down.


Death in the RWS bothers me a little, not because of the theme, but artistically. Things seem out of proportion in the composition. The horse and rider are far too large in relation to the other figures. I know this was done on purpose, but it still doesn't look right to me.