Fairy Lights - Queen of Swords


I absolutely adore this Queen in this deck. But, does anyone else find this - she makes me feel quite protective of her?

She just looks so yound and kind of sad and dissatisfied. I know the QoS in traditional tarot can represent a widow, but her sadness doesn't seem to be stemming from that same place to me - a widow, to me, has loved and lost. To me, I feel this little girl lost before she even got a chance to love, if that makes sense? A lost childhood, forced to be older than her years and assume the role of Queen. She is intellectually up to it, of course, but may harbour some resentment or sadness about how she got into the role (I feel more loss of a strong mother character for her, more than a loss of a husband, you know?)

I see her child-ness in not only her young face, but in her posture and the state of her clothing. I come up with new stories about the state of her dress and her lack of shoes and muddy tights every time I see her, ranging from some quite dark situations to just ... a mischevious girl-Queen sneaking out for a chance to play in the middle of the night.

The other thing I see in her, is the staff crossing protectively over her chest. Again, this posture and the cause for it changes from reading to reading. Sometimes, I see a little girl being married off for political reasons. Sometimes she's older and has loved and been hurt and is harder on people before allowing them in.

I see her as a great pairing to the King of Cups in this deck. He, with his older and loving, nurturing nature, seems the most capable of making her feel safe and comfortable, and will allow her to open up and smooth out her jagged edges.