Victoria Regina --- King of Wands


I just got this deck and I love it! I would like to study a card a day and I'm hoping that others are interested in this deck and will join in. I'm starting with the court cards because they are always the most difficult for me and are very different in this deck.


This card shows Benjamin Disraeli, a fountain pen (flaming) on either side of him and one over his head. At the bottom of the card is the speaker's table in the House of Commons, the mace and a paper reading "order".

Benjamin Disraeli was a politician and a novelist. Queen Victoria wrote " Mr. Disraeli will do well, and will be particulary loyal and anxious to please me in every way. He is very peculiar, but very clever and sensible, and very conciliatory." She also described him as "full of poetry, romance and chivalry." He was driven by a vision of a great British empire.

The King of Wands is a card of forceful ambition, passion, creativity, self-invention, style and panache. He is a daring, innovative, and natural leader.

He is charismatic, inspiring others to follow his lead--tends to be at the centre of things as a driving force.

Queen Victoria was thought to have had a crush on Disraeli. I see this King of Wands being so driven, almost to the point of being blind to what is going on around him. His creative vision carries him forward, his forceful ambition tends to lead to success.

Anyone have any thoughts on this card?
