Is tarot helpful?


This is something I'm pondering.

So let's leave aside the questions of whether tarot (or any form of divination) "works" or if tarot is meant for fortune-telling or insight. Let's say it does work in any way you want it to. The question is does it help? (Adding in...also...let's leave out those who use tarot or divination as part of their spiritual practices as I feel that is an entirely different situation)

Let's say someone correctly predicts something is about to happen using cards or whatever, did it help me to know it was coming? Or did it just cause me anxiety while waiting for it? Or did it not change knowing didn't change anything for me, good or ill? If so...what was the point?

I've heard a few stories of people being saved by a reading, as in someone (or themselves) read that something dangerous was coming, they avoided the situation and something terrible did happen at the avoided place, so in a way, they were protected from harm. I think these readings are few and far between, so I can't really add them into my ponderings.

Then add in the more insight type readings...have you ever really been told something that you wouldn't have known or that really changed a situation for you?

I've had some very accurate readings in my life...but did it change anything for me? Or did I have to go through the situation regardless? And if I did have to learn and go through it regardless...again...what is the point?

I'm not looking for a debate as I don't really know my opinion yet...still in the pondering phase. Any thoughts are welcome and appreciated.


Let's say it does work in any way you want it to. The question is does it help?

Of course it does! If something enables you to avoid making bad decisions in your life, than that is helpful. Or isn't it?


I find it very helpful in a self-exploration kind of way. It helps me to understand my health from a different perspective which I can then take to my care provider and get feedback on.


It Depends On What You Mean By "Helpful"

did it help me to know it was coming? Or did it just cause me anxiety while waiting for it? Or did it not change knowing didn't change anything for me, good or ill? If so...what was the point?

There are DNA tests that allow you to find out if you have inherited some diseases for which there are no cures or even ways to slow the progression. Some people want to take those DNA tests, Some people don't. (See Huntingtons Disease, a progressive genetic neurological disease)

Your question has less to do with tarot and more to do with the level of anxiety and uncertainty you want to handle. Would you want to know that at about age 45 you were going to start deteriorating and live out the rest of your life as a vegetable?

Is it helpful to know or is it not helpful to know?


Hmmm...I suppose that depends on how the sitter decides to act on the information presented.
But - it's always helpful to talk about things IMO, as it helps one to process what is - and underlines that one is not unique (or not alone if you prefer) in their experience of life.


Its not adding value in my life any more at all and doesn't predict anything.. also there is nothing new that I get in the advice. In fact somew of the advice of tarot is actually misguiding at times so I have a mixed to contrary view...

Tarot doesn't help much and its more just a reliever to your senses...


Tarot can be helpful. It may not change a situation but it can change, or enforce ...your attitude about said situation, what you say and do in said situation, and thereby encourage one outcome over other options.


I use it to focus my thinking and it certainly helps. I have a tendency to squirrels running in my head. Tarot calms them down nicely and I see again what I have to see. I also enjoy the beauty and ritual of it, and that helps.

But I don't judge things in my life for their usefulness. I could simply buy herbs in the supermarket, couldn't I? Why waste time and water taking care of my own herb garden? Well, it makes me happy and that's enough for me.


Its not adding value in my life any more at all and doesn't predict anything.. also there is nothing new that I get in the advice. In fact somew of the advice of tarot is actually misguiding at times so I have a mixed to contrary view...

Tarot doesn't help much and its more just a reliever to your senses...

Dear Mahafrins, that sounded very sad so I looked up your posts and saw you have an impressive record on exchanges and readings. You're a very active and consistent reader, obviously, and didn't reach that conclusion quickly. I just wanted to say I'm really sorry you feel that you wasted your time.


When I hear a querent say at the end of a reading "I heard what I had to hear," it convinces me that tarot can be helpful. I tell my sitters in advance that tarot is at its best for promoting self-understanding and providing situational awareness and insights that can help with decision-making; as a method of divination it mainly taps into the idea that we can create our own future through the decisions we make, the actions we take, and the attitudes or behaviors we adopt in response to the foresight provided. An outcome shown in the cards often has to be nurtured (or conversely, neglected) in order to "come true." I'm not much of a believer in the notion that "stuff" just "happens" (at least at a personal level); there are usually recognizable precursors of some kind.