The De-Enabling Thread


Oh well done you for resisting!!! :D You have incredible self restraint - altho Im quite relieved for your sake....straying within your beloveds general family gets quite complicated! LOL! :D


Hi Apocalipstick,

The Victoria Regina is such a different deck to the Victorian Romantic - the Victoria Regina is black and white, it has huge cards, it marks easily because its white, and it is pure Victorian - lots of pictures of Queen Victoria, Prince Albert and the Royal family. Some of the images have been taken off advertisements of that time. It shows the Victorian Era off amazingly, the book is fantastic.

But the drawbacks are the white card, even little marks show, and for the size of the cards, the cardstock should have been a little thicker, it uses Rifles and pistols instead of Swords, which for me was a major problem. The Victoria Regina has been OOP for a while now but can still be found. :)


Apocalipstick said:
I think I'll attempt one more de-enabling for the VR, since the FMT is a lost cause at this point. Ahem:

I have to admit that the Victorian Romantic never appealed to me.

I read visually and when I look at the Lovers card all I see is a guy leering at a woman while she rolls her eyes. I know conceptually it is supposed to be Beatrice and whatsisname, Dante, but I don't read conceptually and they don't *look* like passionate lovers to me.

The Queen of Cups looks like she had one too many and dropped the baby. It is lying there on its back squalling while she has an emotional moment thinking about something else. The Queen of Cups might actually be prone to irresponsibility and alcoholic indulgence but this is not what I want to see on the card.

There are several other cards I could mention but you get the idea. Look at the cards visually, not what they are supposed to mean, and see if you still like the deck.

Don't get me wrong, Baba is a great tarot deck artist and her decks are lovely. I don't really like saying unflattering things about other people's favorite decks but there so many good things have been said about this deck and I haven't heard many comments from people who don't care for it.


Little Baron

I am using the Romantic at the moment. I am enjoying it. But mainly because it is part of a study that incorperates three decks.

I have grown to appreciate it. I did not have any connection with it at first, and I think it can be a tough cookie to crack. I think we often believe that if a deck is beautiful, it will be readible and instantly understandable. But for me, this one didn't want to open up - not quickly, anyway. It is decievable in that it does take some time to aquaint yourself with it. I nearly lost hope, but I have been going back and looking at it in small doses and I am getting there.

But I think it is much flatter than other Baba decks. The Prague is much more focused if you want a deck that blatantly gives you imagery you can identify with. The Romantic side-steps a little and offers something a little different for you to consider.



Thank you Emily, Myrrha and LB for the additional input. :laugh: My VR quandry seems to have hijacked a portion of the thread.

Those are all very good points. I believe if I keep them in mind, and wait a month or so, I may end up de-enabled. I haven't reached the stage where I start collecting decks for their own sake, so it should all turn out okay.

Not that I won't keep my fingers crossed.


Apocalipstick said:
Those are all very good points. I believe if I keep them in mind, and wait a month or so, I may end up de-enabled. I haven't reached the stage where I start collecting decks for their own sake, so it should all turn out okay.
~puts both hands over her mouth and stares at Apocalipstick with wide eyes full of information~


Apocalipstick said:
Thank you Emily, Myrrha and LB for the additional input.I haven't reached the stage where I start collecting decks for their own sake, so it should all turn out okay.

I remember those far off innocent days when I thought that too. })


Ha-ha. All of you are so optimistic. :p


I've been reading here, and I'm starting to catch it, too.

So please convince me I do not want the Kazanlar and the Eclectic.