Fairy Ring Oracle - The Oakman 14th card


Card: The Oakman
Court: Spring, King

We see a wee man sitting on top of a rock, if you look closely enough you can see that his ears are pointed. He has a large acorn cradled in his right arm and his left hands seems to be almost offering it to you as if he was saying “Now isn’t this fine specimen a beaut?!” He is surrounded by bluebells flowers in a clearing in the forest and off and to his right stands a red fox. There are small clusters of acorns on the two upper corners of the card and there are some mushrooms at the base of his stone.

Oakmen are very angry and dangerous if the tree it is melded with is cut down. They also guard all forest animals and hurt those who hurt the animals.

Anglesey is in Wales.

Meanings: Power, good government, received knowledge and authority.

Reversed: idleness, inertia


Little guy, looks kind of like a leprechaun, sitting on a rock and holding an incredibly big acorn in his hand. Lots of blooming flowers around him -- look like periwinkle or cornflowers. A fox has stopped in its path behind him and seems to snicker. Toadstools are growing under the shade of the rock on which the Oakman sits.

The obvious fertility aspects with the acorn; but also wiliness, trickiness, cunning associated with the fox. The Oakman looks like he's trying to sell you this magic acorn. If you buy it, you don't know what it's going to grow into. Maybe a magic oak, maybe something really bad, or maybe it won't grow at all. After all, whoever saw an acorn that big?

Let's see what the book says. Aha, those are bluebells. It says when bluebells are growing in a copse, it signals the presence of oakmen, and mortals should be warned to avoid the area. I wish someone had told me that last fall. I planted a bunch of bluebell bulbs near my oak tree! Well, I picked up more on the negative aspects than the positive. Although there's a big acorn here, I didn't see any obvious oaks in the foreground so . . . <shrug>



It's the wolf, it's the wolf. Well, nice wolfy has dropped into the frame just to have his piccie taken.

Mr Oakman's head is too big for his body. And, he reminds me of an actor, though I can't at this minute think of his name. Just looked at his hands too, they are far too big for his body also. Kim (nudge, nudge) you know what that means, don't you???

I love the pretty little purple and pink flowers in this field.

That's a bit of a goofy look on Mr Oakman's face. What do you suppose he's thinking......I'll trade you one pineapple for a guinness....what's that you say??? It's not a pineapple, aw, can't you just pretend it's a pineapple? They go much better in pina colada's than acorns do.

Well, one thing's for certain - he wants to offer you his acorn! And the fox is standing by to see your response.

Is this card about squirreling (or not) things for a rainy day???

The book says: power, good, government, received knowledge, and authority. His gifts are willpower and self-control, and if you act properly, you will be rewarded. Hmm.....says nothing about him swapping pineapples for a guinness! Maybe if you're good, he'll buy you the guinness. He's not wearing green for nothing. Now, what is that fox doing there?



The fox

Have you figured out the fox yet?


Hi LilRed,

In Titania's Fortune Cards, the fox represents deceit and someone who is sly and not above trickery to get what they want.

After reading Kim's post, I'm assuming that's why the fox is in this card - to say that the little green man plays tricks????

Or have I missed something?
