The Devil-Fey Interview


dear devil fey,

my questions are:

who sent you?
what are you doing?
where will you go from here?
when ?
how do you deal with this?

**the one who created me sent me.

**orders. i am to start a forest fire that will light up the sky and keep it burning from new moon till full moon. a lot of trees and furry animals will perish but i have a job to do and i'm given a deadline.

**to fertilize the earth. to start a new cycle of growth. to do the dirty work noone else wants to do. this is a thankless job. i get all the blame and someone else gets all the credit when new life forms.

**personal wish? somewhere cold with lots of ice, where trees don't grow. after 2 weeks of eating and burning them, i need to take a break. maybe go visit my friends up north and listen to their stories about how humans like to ask questions about us and then proceed to answer them. those stories always crack me up.

**when i am done here and if i am not sent elsewhere. i'm on standby a lot. i need to get going when orders are sent, no delays, no excuses and no sick leave.

**what's there to deal with? i've got a job to do, some accept it and others don't. doesn't change anything.


who sent you?
No one sent me.
I am doing what I do.

what are you doing?
Filling emptiness...filling the place of NO LOVE...EATING

To be full

where will you go from here?
I am here in perpetuity. I am always eating thus.

until the end of all things

how do you deal with this?
I do not understand this question.
I am what I am.
I do what I do.
There is no dealing with it. It.........Just...........Is