Sagittarius Full moon


Occuirng mid day for the United States, afternoon and Evening for Europe, and Early Morning for Asia, This Full moon is out of bounds, to the south. Appropriate since Feng Shui associates the south with fire, and sagittarius is a fire sign, A wonderful night to charge crystals and tarot cards, to relax the mind, but the energy level might be a little on the downside, at least it is for me.

Through the hours before the full moon apex, the lunar body will trine Saturn and Mars, introducing an input of fiery realisim. naturla leadership will take hold, Cancer's authority on the home will be dominant, and Taurus will be structured and stable.

Inconjunct to Venus, the moon is affecting womanly energies, they are going to be out of synch with eachother (only to resynch back up under new circumstances afterward after careful intropsection). Venus in Taurus isn't going to give Sagittarius a moment's notice.

Also inconjunct to mercury, the moon will cause deception and confusion that mercury will quickly and/or slowly disseminate, depending on what is most efficient and useful at that time. Mercury in cardinal Cancer is highly intuitive, and capable of predicting what is happening with accuracy, the moon in mutable sagittarius isn't going to like this, but with that intuition in play the archer can take careful aim and make a real impact on people.

Since it is the twins section of the sky that the sun is in, the moon acts as a reunifiing agent for the natural duality of Gemini. Effectivly, duplicity will not be a very wise move as the archers arrow will keep both sides seperate and play them against the sides rather than the middle, in this case the middle is an adjustable boundry that is without discrimination, this could change later, but for now, don't expect a lot of respect for beign stuck in a rut, Gemini and Sagittarius maybe opposites, but they are both mutable signs. Beware of storm fronts, full moons increase their impact.


thanks for that post paradox

i will read it very carefully again as the full moon will fall on my natal moon in 21 sag tonight - i'm trying to deal with this duplicity problem as we speak - being philosophical honest and diplomatic at the same time is tricky tricky lol



thanks paradox!