Healing with the Angels - SERENITY


Our next card is:


This card has a lot of green in it and it feels very peaceful. Green is a healing colour and also a very loving colour. The Angels is placing her hands over the flowers, and I feel that calm has washed over her.

This card means a time of inner peace and calmness. This may be the time to relax, enjoy the joy and happiness. Have faith that what ever comes before you, you will be able to deal with them in a calm, unfrazzled way.

This card feels very loving, safe and supportive.


Colby said:
This card means a time of inner peace and calmness.

I like what you say here Colby. Inner peace sounds lovely. No worries, dramas, problems. She looks very at-ease and is just spending time with the flowers as though nothing in the world can bother her.

Maybe that is why she is concentrating so hard on the flowers, because she doesnt want any of her problems entering her mind at this time.

The colours are very soft, like pastels which help provide that feeling of calmness.