List of tarot myths


Ligator said:
Well... What is the origin of the idea that one cannot read for one self? Are there anyone that defends this opinion among you?

By the way. About not leting others touch your deck. Seems to be difficult to apply. The cards are normally made somewhere with other people involved in the process of making the deck...

So not letting others touch it would avoiding tarot totally.



I think it can be difficult to read for yourself at times, but not impossible or dangerous. Personally, if I'm really emotionally wrapped up in an issue, then I find I shouldn't read for myself on that issue, 'cuz I can't read clearly. I only see what I want to see (and sometimes that means only seeing my worst fears!) In those cases I just don't get clear answers. But I can't imagine that it would be dangerous in anyway.

And good point about people touching the cards when they're made. Can you imagine some old psychic lady picking up a deck, touching her temple with two fingers, and saying, "Ahh yes. I can see it clearly.... This deck was checked for quality by Inspector #22..."


Some of these myths I've heard, and some I've never, ever encountered! How crazy these are!

touching - I always thought it would be better to have the person I am reading for touch my deck. From a psychological perspective, if they're nervous about it, touching the deck will help them realize that it's JUST card stock with pretty pictures, and it's NOT going to bite them, or turn them into a toad. From a more psychic perspective, I feel that it helps them focus a bit more, so that what they're wondering about connects with the cards a bit more.

If that makes sense.

I've never heard this stuff about keeping them in a specific cloth, or "if you read for yourself, you die" kind of thing. HOWEVER, I have slept with my decks under my pillow when I get a new deck. For me, it's been a useful thing to do. But this is just me. I realize that what works or creates results for me, will not do the same for others. So I don't view this as a myth, but more of a "what works for you" kind of suggestion.


It's amazing how many there are out there!

I must admit that I do follow some of them though as they work for me. I do keep my first (and as yet only) deck in a purple silk cloth in a wooden box from Indonesia. And I don't like people touching my cards. And I have smudged them too. (I do believe in the energy thing in general.) And I don't think that the cards can truly give a yes/no answer. And I do usually put music on in the background.

Oh dear... How did I turn into a cliche???


I think we could tke this a little further though... How about these more subtly insidious myths that operate within the Tarot community?:
  • There is ONE True system of Tarot.
  • Pretty, scenic decks are always more readable.
  • Clunky symbolic decks are always more rich and meaningful.
  • Only women are sensitive enough to do divination.
  • Only men are compulsive enough to create coherent divinatory systems.
  • History is worthless/vestigial because Tarot and its images "fell from the sky" rather than being shaped by generations of gamers, artists, intellectuals and occultists.
  • History "proves" that Tarot isn't an occult object until it was designated so in the 18th century.
  • Books are worthless.
  • Books are all you need.
  • Anyone can read the cards instantly with immediate mastery... and readings have nothing to do with the reader's level of skill.
  • If you don't know what a symbol means, ignoring it is equally effective.
  • Knowing what a symbol means gives you a complete grasp of its role in any reading.
  • Study and Intuition are two separate ways of gaining knowledge of Tarot that have nothing to do with each other.
  • Intuition is synonymous with guessing.
  • Study is synonymous with memorization.
  • Predictive Tarot is ineffective, anachronistic foolishness and Tarot is actually only useful as a kind of unlicensed folk therapy that speaks in platitudes and generalities.
  • Tarot always gives happy or positive answers; spirituality is never negative or painful or challenging.
  • Every reading is 100% wonderful, useful, and accurate.

    And my all time favorite:
  • The best way to develop a level of mastery is just go with the flow and do whatever feels comfortable.


Scion, that list is thing of beauty!!! And the most experienced tarotists can and do fall into one or another of those traps.


I've actually heard people say that you can't read cards when it's raining.

le fey

well I wouldn't recommend it actually out *in* the rain.. it warps the cards.


Scion said:
Intuition is synonymous with guessing.

I say we ditch all the myths and just start saying, "there are no rules in tarot" and give me all the credit for that one. :D

The only one I remember hearing was that you can't buy yourself decks. Which never made sense to me. "How will I ever get one if I can't buy one?" Like some gypsy was gonna come along and throw a deck at me so I could get started!

Oh and Major Tom - As the couple strolled away I heard the woman say to the man, "He can't know very much about tarot."

I wish I had been with you, I would have peed my pants over that one!


Sinduction said:
I say we ditch all the myths and just start saying, "there are no rules in tarot" and give me all the credit for that one. :D
In my opinion, that is myth too. ;)


Ready for a new one?

"Gay people aren't spiritual enough to be good at any divinatory art.. especially the Tarot"

This said by a local reader who has her own TV show here! (Note - on her show, she said "If you're a Virgo, and you pull the 2 of Swords card.. you have a tendency to go blind")