3 of Pentacles as social media


For some weird reason, I'm really starting to feel that this card could describe social media platforms. What do you guys think? It's come up in readings for me regarding the social media app Instagram.

Has it happened for you? If not, which card usually does signify social media?


For me it's the 3 of cups not 3 of pentacles. 3 of pentacles shows to me the work place. Yes, you can socialize at work too but not for pleasure. Social media is a virtual place for meeting new people and friends. 3 of cups is to celebrate life (social life and pleasures).


Yes I can see that, you need cooperation, at least a connection, pentacles are material things like needing a computer or phone in doing so. I am sure there are other cards which depicts social media. A lot of social media has a business aspect to it.


I don't think you can really rule out the 3 of Pentacles meaning social media. After all, Facebook is where people meet and socialize but it's also widely used as a sort of virtual marketplace where people can also show off the things they create and hope to sell. I think both cards can indicate socializing but I think the 3 of Cups is more the real world socializing, where the 3 of Pentacles strikes me as being some of both.

Shopify is now part of Facebook, so now people can actually create virtual stores. Before, people could still arrange their pages to be used for selling goods and services on just a regular Facebook page but now it's "official" that Facebook can also be used as a "workplace" almost.


Since it is about work, perhaps 3/Pentacles is LinkedIn????


The World comes up as FaceBook all the time and online in general.


But the entire indiscretion that is social media is off course a 5/Cups experience. :D