5 Oracles for the New Year Spread - HELP needed


Does anyone have the Chronicle of Destiny cards?

I did a meditative reading with 5 oracle decks for the New Year, assessing each month.

Chronicle of Destiny what the month holds in store (pulled two cards in the "book spread")

Earth Oracle Theme of the Month

Goddess Oracle Which Goddess to work with and call on through the month

Medicine Cards Which animal guide to work with through the month

Oracle of the Dragonfae Advice on how to achieve the best outcome for the month.

I need help understanding September and October's readings.


Chronicle of Destiny: Victory and Sorrow (book spread)

Victory is a card that indicates triumph and success, but Sorrow indicates sadness and regret. The cards need to be read in the order they are pulled, so this would indicate that my victory in one area brings me some deep sadness?

Earth Oracle: Whale - Breach

This card says to take a break, and perhaps a short trip to get away from the familiar, to break through the barriers of belief.

Goddess Oracle: Eostre - Growth

This card asks you work with this Goddess to help you grow, and can indicate taking a class or workshop. It asks for personal growth.

Medicine Card - Beaver

This energy is about building things and working in a team. It's about putting ideas into action or completing a project that's being neglected. It could be about settling differences with people, and looking for solutions to life's challenges, but can also be a warning to watch your back.

Oracle of the Dragonfae - Brigid - We are one

This card is about finding common ground between self and others. Move beyond conditions fears, and exhibiting great love.


Chronicles of Destiny: Shore of Trials and Bliss

Again, contradictory cards as Shore of Trials indicates strained relationships, trial and upheaval and yes Bliss indicates happiness and contentment.

Earth Oracle: Gaia - Nurturing. This card is about being open to receiving and letting others nurture you. It says self-nurturing is required as well.

Goddess Oracle: Inanna - Embracing the Shadow

This card asks you to dance with your dark side and embrace your flaws. It asks for surrender.

Medicine Card: Hummingbird

This card is about flying away from discord and disharmony. It's about finding joy and it basically says that joy is here, and to celebrate and relax. That there is a dance of joyful energy around you.

Oracle of the Dragonfae: The Morrighan - Take action

This is about facing your fears, following your inner guidance, drawing boundaries and claiming your space. It could also be about connecting with loved ones on the other side.

The contraction of trials and tribulations with bliss and joy in these two months is confusing. I'd love if anyone has some insight to provide on these two :)