6 of Cups card recurring in every reading


Recently I was drawn back to Tarot and yesterday I finally received my new pack of Deviant moon borderless edition Tarot cards in the mail. I rushed home from office, tore open the Amazon packaging and devoured the entire accompanying booklet back to back. Then I started (not the right word but) playing with it like a kid with a new toy.

My first reading was a simple 1 card yes/no question as to should I send money to Tara-Medium. Out popped 6 of Cups (damn you...thats 32$ I'm never getting back)

The next spread was the lunatic spread as suggested in the accompanying booklet of Deviant Moon. Out popped 6 of cups again.

Then did a couple of more spreads. I saw on Pinterest, one was a 12 card theme of the week spread. Out pops 6 of Cups again.

Then the last reading of the day was a 3 card past present future spread. Out pops 6 of cups again.

Now I don't really remember which position it showed up in each spread since I've forgotten now but what struck me was that it recurred in each and every spread yesterday. Another card that appeared often was the 4 of Pentacles though not as often as the 6 of Cups

I also have the Rider-Waite Tarot app on my phone which I installed 4 days back as a ready reckoner for all card meanings. But the best feature of the app is the card of the day reading and analysis. I wake up and grab my phone first thing in the morning to check my card of the day and what this day holds for me. And today morning, guess what was my card of the day? 6 of Cups.

Now this is across decks and is really freaking me out. Why is it recurring and what is it trying to tell me?
Also, does the 4 of pentacles want to tell me something as well?

Any advice would be appreciated.


Moderator Note

Welcome to Aeclectic, stan!

Please take a moment to read the UTC Posting Rules if you haven't already. When asking for help with card interpretations, you are required to tell us what you think they mean before others may chime in to help you.

Other posters, please hold off until stan has provided his/her thoughts on those cards.


My Interpretation

Well the 6 of cups represents nostalgia. While I have been living in a place which I absolutely hate because of work, and am lonely as there are no like minded people here, I have been living in the past(to happier times). Maybe the card is warning me to stop doing that as that is unhealthy and move forward...

Or it could be telling me the way forward is somehow embedded in the past...but which part.

It also has a meaning of trust and faith. Thus maybe the cards tell me I need to trust or have faith in something ot somebody but who or what?

Similarly the 4 of Pentacles represents miserly attitude and looking for materialistic pleasures. Maybe the cards are telling me to look inwards(spiritually) rather than outwards for happiness.

I'm sorry if my interpretation is more of a jumble and comfusion rather than a reading. I'm fairly new to Tarot hence not able to interpret them as well as most people here.

Thanks in advance


Your own interpretation is good. A repeated 6 of Cups does suggest that nostalgia is active within you now, and maybe youthful urges to "play" as well. Stress, loneliness, or a sense of unfulfillment can easily trigger thoughts of more enjoyable, seemingly carefree days, and wishes to return to them... But as Cups can be short on realism, the past is often seen in an inaccurately golden light, and more immediate concerns may be overlooked.

The 4 of Pentacles could show that material goods are being sought to relive your 6C past -- enabling you to hold on to old feelings rather than embracing change. At the same time, if your emotions have driven a lot of comfort-spending lately, this card advises restraint in that department: hold onto your money, instead. Failure to do so may burden you with excessive "stuff", debt, or even put basic comforts/security at risk.

As you've already noted, it's best to find pleasures beyond materialistic impulse... So maybe another reading should be done, on how you can most effectively achieve greater happiness now? Take care.


Your own interpretation is good. A repeated 6 of Cups does suggest that nostalgia is active within you now, and maybe youthful urges to "play" as well. Stress, loneliness, or a sense of unfulfillment can easily trigger thoughts of more enjoyable, seemingly carefree days, and wishes to return to them... But as Cups can be short on realism, the past is often seen in an inaccurately golden light, and more immediate concerns may be overlooked.

The 4 of Pentacles could show that material goods are being sought to relive your 6C past -- enabling you to hold on to old feelings rather than embracing change. At the same time, if your emotions have driven a lot of comfort-spending lately, this card advises restraint in that department: hold onto your money, instead. Failure to do so may burden you with excessive "stuff", debt, or even put basic comforts/security at risk.

As you've already noted, it's best to find pleasures beyond materialistic impulse... So maybe another reading should be done, on how you can most effectively achieve greater happiness now? Take care.

You are absolutely right. Well after spending over a 100$ on Sunday on fruitless pursuits, I was feeling a little guilty, thus bringing forth the 4 of Pentacles. I shall do a bit of reading today like you said on where to find happiness instead.

Also regarding the 6 of Cups, I am actively trying to look forward, and checking myself everytime I find myself slipping to the past.

Thank you and God bless


You're very welcome. I'm glad to help. :)