6 of swords


I'm still practicing my reading on friends and I now have a question for my fellow Aeclecticians. My friend is having a dispute with her boyfriend and the 6 of swords came up as what he wants in the relationship. all the other cards look positive, but I told her he might want to move away from the situation. but as I thought about it, maybe he might want to move away from the obstacles and towards peace with her. Could this be a way that I could translate the 6 of swords also?



Toward Peaceful waters

I see the boat moving from rough waters to more peaceful waters. There is definitely a journey involved, but it seems to me your interpretation is also valid. The card could indicate "moving on" in the sense of moving past the trouble toward a more peaceful relationship. It seems the card invites them to choose this possibility for themselves, but they must want and choose it. BB, Michael


I would think so -- it has often shown up in my readings after some sort of emotional upheaval where the participants in the upheaval are ready to move on to a different place emotionally... What cards were around it? You said they looked positive, but it might help to tell us what was in the immediate vicinity.



hmmm, if i remember correctly he feels like the knight of cups towards her and and in the what he needs in the relationship the 2 of cups came up. there's a stalemate with the two of them and she's not sure why.


Above the Emotional Waters

Remember that the 6 of swords here is, well, swords. That means a meeting of minds, communication. The water may be turbulent emotions, but the people sail above those waters toward the other shore; they DO NOT swim in them. Thus, it would seem that the boyfriend wants to get above the emotional turbulence, wants to talk things out and find a meeting of minds.

6/Swords is often about working out problems and, most especially, finding a solution via communication or logical thinking. For all that emotional waters are involved, it isn't a card about emotional solutions. In some decks, the six swords are shown pointing inward, as might be done with knights setting down their swords on a round table, establishing peace and a willingness to calmly discuss their problems. This is likely what the boyfriend wants: common sense, rational thinking, quiet talks. Most especially, he probably wants to get away from arguing about what's wrong and actively find solutions. He might even be considering a therapist (the boat to sail them to that other shore?), to help quiet the emotions and get them talking. He, at least, has had enough of the tears, drama, and watery emotions.

The problem your friend might be having with this is that the 6/Swords requires her to be equally cool headed, to also want to find a logical solutions. To talk without getting emotional. That may not be what she needs or wants. She might want emotional empathy, for her boyfriend to to hug and kiss her and tell her he understands how she feels. If this is the case, then he may be coming across to her as cold and distant.

So here's the real question--what does SHE want? How does she want the dispute handled/solved? That will tell you why there's still a problem between them even though the cards suggest that the boyfriend wants to work things out.


This helped me to understand the card so much better. thank you all so much for once again helping me out. oh and yes, Thirteen, that's exactly what she said. he is not showing any emotion which is what confuses her. i can't wait to explain this to her. thanks so much!

Best Wishes