8 Pentacles for Outcome


Here is the situation, what happens if you get his card for an endeavor that seems not to be working or going anywhere?

This card almost seems like a 10 Wands to me. The 10 Wands is working hard but he as a long way to go before he gets to put down his sticks near his house in the RWS deck. 8 Pentacles, the man is trying to get his artistry skills to be perfected, but it doesn't look like he will be a master for a long time either. It seems like a "perseverance" card, almost like 9 Wands, too.

8 Pentacles as for an outcome when things seem like a lost cause? Is this card promising that "not now, but in the future, you will get what you want. Don't give up still continue." Or, "Perseverance. Repetitive action."

Does this card have a sign of hope of ever finishing and getting something done?


BLFO said:
8 Pentacles as for an outcome when things seem like a lost cause? Is this card promising that "not now, but in the future, you will get what you want. Don't give up still continue." Or, "Perseverance. Repetitive action."

Does this card have a sign of hope of ever finishing and getting something done?
I'm afraid the message isn't that hopeful. 9/Wands says: "Hang on, help is on the way! The end is in sight!" Likewise, 7/Pents says "Patience, your efforts will bear fruit." But the 8/Pents simply says, "You don't have the skill yet. You're still an apprentice." It doesn't promise that you *will* get the skill or that you *will* succeed once you get it. It only says that you don't have it yet and there's a lot to learn.

It's rather like you've just started learning music and you ask: "Will I be able to play a concert and win first prize?" The outcome you get is, "Ask me after you've learned how to read music and play an instrument." There is no promise in the 8/Pents that you will achieve your long-term goal; all it says is that IF you want to achieve that goal, you need to improve your skills. You don't know enough yet to enter into the contest, let alone win it.


BLFO said:
Here is the situation, what happens if you get his card for an endeavor that seems not to be working or going anywhere?

This card almost seems like a 10 Wands to me. The 10 Wands is working hard but he as a long way to go before he gets to put down his sticks near his

Maybe it's right.

8 of Pentacles means "working at a lower wage", reversed card means "an efficient work."
I favor reverse of 8 of Pentacles.


8 Pents

I see it as the endeavor needs more work - keep at it. It needs perfecting. Try to increase your skill level.


Well, the guy on the card has nearly completed the 8th pentacle so his work is just about finished successfully. So, I would presume that this card is telling you to have patience and hang in there your work is just about to bear fruit. You have been working alone but on completion of the 8th pentacle you can go public.


in my deck the cosmic what i see is a woman looking knowingly and lovingly at a beautiful ring of roses, its like a vision coming straight from her head - something which pleases her very much because basically it is just so perfect - the plan/vision is there but it needs a lot of dedication and work to make it reality

i see the 8 of pentacles as an artist who sees the end result - in practice it will take alot of work, honing skills, being patient and a lot of dedication to see this to fruition but i also see in this card complete confidence in what she is undertaking and no doubt as to the result

hope that helped a bit