A Spread to bring out a quality?


Good morning, good afternoon, good evening and happy holidays =)

I'm looking for a spread that give me ideas on how to bring out an internal quality.

I did a natal chart and it showed that internally, I have leadership skills but I just don't show them which is true ;P

So are there any good spreads on bringing out qualities?

Thanks for reading =3


Dear Curious Walker, hi!!

Well, I think the most important thing is to ask the right questions. 1 question, 1 card. And if you are not sure about the answer, pull a couple cards more.

I would ask something like this:

-What I'm doing that blocks my leadership potential?
-What can I do to develop my leadership potential?

Keep it simple. always, and write down your interpretations so you can follow the work you are doing in the future with further readings.

Also, there must be something in the Spreads Index Thread... Good luck!!


Thank you Eowyn!

This spread was dead accurate and worked for me ^^