Ace of Wands - please help


In the last week I've been going through a major problem with my relationship. I've been doing daily readings and a lot of the same cards have been coming up which is no surprise (ie. 8 swords, 3 swords, 2 swords, The Tower). Yes....I'm feeling very torn.

But also, the Ace of Wands keeps appearing, both in the spreads and just falling out of the deck, or it will be on the top or bottom of the deck.

I can't work out what this could mean in regard to the relationship issues I'm having. It just doesn't seem to make sense to me and I'm sure I'm missing something very obvious.

Any help would be appreciated!


My guess would be that there is a fiery passion to the relationship that has been there since it's beginning that is hard to let go of.


Agree with Mojo.
Without knowing the other cards around it, one can only guess; however, its repetition is significant. Its insistance begs more examination & may hold the key. While it can refer to a strong physical connection shared by both of you that brought you together (& has kept you together), it may refer to a spiritual connection. That connection may have its roots in a shared past which can contribute to a bond despite apparent differences.



Thanks for your responses. In fact the key issue in the relationship is a lack of passion, and yet a deep bond of friendship which has developed over time. I am keen to try and re-kindle the passion by working on developing a more spiritual connection with my partner. So I guess this may make sense.

It's frustrating when often the answer is staring you in the face and you just can't see it. But I feel like I'm getting closer.

Also, this card didn't so much come up in the spread, but would fall out of the deck, or be the bottom card. I just seems to be trying to get noticed...if that makes sense.

Thanks again for your feedback.


Hi Witchywoman - sorry to hear of your problems.

However, it seems to me the Ace of Wands keeps throwing itself at you to tell you not to give up hope - that with the creative thinking and energy indicated by this card you have a good chance of success: you can make dreams reality. After all, from what you say you've been together a long time and you seem to have a very good basis to work on. Hopefully, the flame on the Ace indicates the passion isn't dead, it just needs a bit of fanning! Perhaps the reason the Ace has appeared on the bottom is that it has been buried under everday routine and concerns for too long?

Hope this helps!



Thanks for the insight! What you have said very much sums up the way things are coming together. It came up in a reading again today as well. Obviously there is still hope......and lots of work to do!



Glad to hear things are starting to come together, Witchywoman! I think with the energy and drive of the wands' fire, once thing are moving you may surprise yourself/yourselves! As for the effort, you've come this far together, so it must be worth it.