Anna K.: The Hanged Man (XII)


Anna changes the meaning of this card quite a bit from the RW. This hanging man looks rough, coarse, more like a criminal. There is no circle of light around his head; in fact, he's got a big frown on his face and there are DARK storm clouds pouring down rain in the background. He's still hanging upside down, tied by his feet, (so he's in no mortal danger) with his hands thrust in his pockets in a kind of defiant posture. He's clearly unhappy. not like the smiling, beatific RW hanging man.
Now that I think of it, though, this really doesn't change the meaning at all. It's just the other side of the same coin. The RW hanging man shows what it's like to surrender willingly when surrender is what's called for. Anna K.'s hanging man shows what it's like to NOT surrender willingly when surrender is called for. He depicts resistance to What Is, rather than acceptance of What Is. And he looks like he's suffering, not because of the position he's in, but because of his refusal or inability to relax, let go, and have faith that he's in this position for a reason, even if he doesn't know what that reason is.
Also, because this man's appearance looks like it could be that of a criminal, the idea of punishment is also implied in the card: punishment for real or perceived misdeeds. From this perspective, this card reminds me of The Wheel of Fortune, with the difference being that in The Hanged Man the emphasis is more on free will (cause & effect) than on life circumstances that we may have no control over (and only have control over how we accept or don't accept What Is). "Do the crime, do the time" kind of thing: the man's own actions have created the position he's in now (also a lot like Justice in that way: the law of Karma).
So, unlike the RW Hanged Man, Anna's card can be a reminder to choose your actions with their consequences in mind, and make sure you're good with the potential (or likely) consequences when you choose an action.
Alternatively, this hanged man could also represent another person in the querent's life: possibly someone who is reaping what he sowed, in a negative way, or who does not seem to be learning his lessons from the problems he's having, or who isn't thinking of the potential negative consequences of his choices.